Wanted -- A Real Racing Car.


Wanted—A Rear,Macing Car.

IT has struck me that this country is wasting a lot of very good money on projects that are not worth the trouble—in particular the Land Speed Record. While agreeing that it is important for Britain to retain this record, i see no object in building two cars costing in the neighbourhood of £10,000 each to attack a record already held by a British car and driver, and when it is in no danger. Surely, instead of spending all this money on one car, it would be better to spend it on building a team of three special racing cars of about two litres capacity, to participate in the principal Continental races. Think of the propaganda for the ” Buy British” campaign if a British car won the Targa Florio! Birldu showed what we could do, given the chance, in the French Grand Prix, and that in a sports car, so let us hope something will be done about it in the near future.

In conclusion, may I say that I admire MOTOR SPORT for so consistently pushing the cause of the real racing car, in the face of the chronic apathy of our manufacturers ?

A. M. Williamson. Margate.