Club News, January 1931


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ThE annual dinner and dance of the Motor Cycling Club was held at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, on 29th November last. The function, which attracted a large number of members and guests, was highly successful, and the programme included the M.C.C. film and a cabaret show.


With the Earl of March in the chair, a most successful dinner and dance was held by the Light Car Club in Kensington recently, to mark the close of the club’s past season. Many prominent people associated with the sport were present, and these included Captain Waite (now happily recovered after his Ulster crash), Professor A. M. Low, Mr. T. W. Loughborough, Mr. S. C. H. Davis and Mr . L. Dyer. Following the dinner, the prize distribution took place, the awards being presented by the Countess of March.


The Murratti Ariston Trophy, the championship award of the Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham Auto Club has gone to F. Cope, who competed in

every single event held during the 1930 season. The runner-up was J. Orford.


On Saturday, November 22nd, the club held its second annual dinner at the Corner House, Portsmouth, followed by the presentation of awards gained in the 1930 season.

Owing to Lieut.-Commander Jameson’s being engaged on official duties at Barrow, the presentation was carried out by Lieut Commander Maguire, of the Submarine Base, Gosport, to whom a vote of thanks was accorded.

Dancing continued until midnight, music being provided by the Dolphinian Dance Band. For the benefit of Naval and Marine motor-cyclists stationed at home ports other than Portsmouth, branches of the Dolphinian M.C.C. are being formed at Chatham, Devonport and Portland. The branch officials to whom inquiries should be addressed are as follows :—

Chatham : J. W Hill, Ldg Sea., P .N.B., Chatham.

Devonport : R. McArthur, Ldg. Sea., H.M.S. ” Tintagel.”

Portland : S. R. Cook, Tel., ” Titania.”

Naval motorcyclists in exile on the China Station will be interested to learn that eight members of the Lolphinian M.C.C. are leaving for China next month on H.M. Submarines.

These members propose forming a branch and endeavouring to stage grasstrack and similar events with the aid of the machines obtainable in that district. By joining this branch of the club, men will meet good friends, get the latest news of the 1930 Shaw, and, assist the club in creating a precedent, namely, a motorcycle club with a branch 10,000 miles away.

Inquiries should be addressed to S. McInnes, Tel., H.M.S. ” Poseidon.”
