

AS the result of conversations after the recent highly successful London to Brighton Run. an effort is now being made to get going a really good Club, the membership of which is to be limited to owners of cars built before the end of 1904. The chief object of the club is to save its members much of the rather large expense which is at present attendant on the running of a veteran car, and besides this it is intended to organize a whole series of competitions for aged motor cars during each year, including a hillclimb and a flying lap race at Brooklands

during one of the meetings. These events will of course be in addition to the” round the mountain ” race which already takes place at the Brooklands August Bank Holiday Meeting, and the London to Brighton Run organised by the R.A.C. Owners of.veteran cars who are interested in the proposed club should apply to Mr. J. H. Wylie, of 38, West Cromwell Road, Earl’s Court, London, S.W.5., who is acting as Secretary. Others also who are not at the moment in possession of a veteran but who would like to acquire one would be equally well

advised to apply to the same quarter as one of the objects of the club is to put prospective owners of veterans into touch with those who have ancient cars for sale. Already considerable interest has been aroused in the proposed club, and it seems certain that by this means enthusiasm for the cars built in the early years of the motoring era will be kept alive, and the veteran machines which have survived in this country will be preserved not as lifeless museum specimens but as real motor cars still tracing out the routes of their early triumphs and failures.