

BENEATH the bald statement that nearly a score of British motor manufacturers will be exhibiting at the British Empire Trade Exhibition in Buenos Aires next Spring, there is evidence of an intensive effort to capture a big proportion of the South American car trade.

There are three million inhabitants in Buenos Aires alone, the Argentine Republic has an area of no fewer than 1,500,000 square miles of territory and the annual consumption of cars approaches 100,000. Yet so strong a hold have North American manufacturers obtained in the market that last year only 18 British cars were imported there. The British motor trade is now making a bold bid to

effect an entry, as is shown by the efforts of some of our leading manufacturers. For this Trade Exhibition is not being considered as an Exhibition alone ; certain manufacturers are regarding it as the starting point of a sales’ campaign in South America. The Singer Co., for instance, has already appointed a factory representative, Mr. M. H. Flash, who has lived in the Argentine for 21 years and is conversant with all the necessary languages and patois. Accompanied by expert Singer mechanics he will shortly be leaving England with a large fleet of demonstration cars, and on arrival at Buenos Aires he will establish offices, showrooms and service stations. He will then appoint distributors and dealers, and organise a sales campaign throughout the country.