

Issue of Efficiency Certificates by the Automobile Association.

Arrangements have been concluded between the Automobile Association and the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union, Limited, whereby the Automobile Association has inaugurated a scheme for certifying the methods of silencing motor cycles.

Certificates of efficiency will be issued by the A.A. in respect of current models of motor cycles, which the manufacturers submit to the Association for examination.

This step has been initiated, not only for the protection of motor-cyclists against unjustifiable prosecutions, but to secure the co-operation of both manufacturers and motor-cyclists in the production and use of motor cycles which fulfil the requirements of the law. SCORED CYLINDERS. Scores in cylinder borescan be filled in by Barimar Metallurigcal (Patented) Process, to fit existing pistons and returned in two days under money back guarantee, at low cost. –BA RIM A R, I,TD. (Scientific Welding

Engineers), 14-18, LA NI )N )urr STREET, LONDON,V.C.I. Branches in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Glasgow. COI& SALE.— Set of Whitehead Front-wheel Brakes, coat

i plete. Suit Riley. What Offers.—Radcliffe, 65, Victoria Street, S.W.1.

BIRMINGHAM METAL CO., Summerhill Terrace, Birmingham. Specialities : Club Medals, Badges, Pennants, Trophies, Cups, Shields, Advertising Noveties, 1Mascots, etc. Please Write for lists and Special designs.