

The Association France-Grande Bretagne, the vigorous society that works for the Entente Cordiale inFrance on the same lines as the United Associations of Great Britain and France, of which Lord Derby is President, in this country, held, on January :3th, a luncheon at the Automobile Club, in honour of the Hon. Victor and Mrs. Bruce.

Count Robert de Vogue, President of the Automobile Club of France, congratulated the Hon. Victor and Mrs. Bruce.

Monsieur Philippe Crozier, Ambassador of France, said that all the world knew the tremendous performance that these two intrepid English motorists, together with the third driver, Mr. Joyce, had put up on the racing track at Linas-Montlhery. One felt giddy to think of 24,130 kilometres covered in 220.32 hours, at a speed of 109.544 kilometres an hour. The vehicle, driven by the Hon. Victor Bruce, Mrs. Bruce and Mr. Joyce, who took turns at the driving wheel, passed the timekeepers’ post ro,000 times. It was thus that they had beaten the record set up by Miss Violet Cordery. It was necessary to have not only audacity and moral tenacity, but splendid physique to conceive and carry out such an enterprise. Among those present at the luncheon were Viscount

Rohan, Count de Count Liedekerke-Beaufort, Colonel Ferrus, Mr. de Lafrete, Mr. Chaix, Mr. and Mrs. Andre Citroen, Mr. and. Mrs. Cahill, Captain Lhopital, Colonel Stewart, Count de Massignac. Mr. de Bretteville, Mr. and Mrs. William 13onnet and Mr. and Mrs. Camerlynck.