Roung the Clubs


Round the Clubs


Honorary District Agents are appointed by “Motor Sport ” to further the interest in the sporting side of motoring and motor cycling.

We give on this page a list of the Honorary District Agents already appointed. Through these Honorary Agents we keep in touch with local events in all parts of the country, and With their co-operation we hope to increase the popularity of motor and motor cyele sport. Honorary District Agents will be -pleased, whenever possible, to give assistance to m9twists and ni,dor-cyclists desirous of taking part in local events.

if you have any difficulty in obtaining -Motor Sportin your veik,thbourhood, the nearest Honorary District Agent will inform you how you may obtain it.


North Manchester Motor Club.

This active club, ” The British Grass Track Racing Club,” has an ambitious programme for 1928. The fixtures include :—

Feb. 25th.—Open Grass Track Meeting. Apr. i4th.—Restricted Car and Cycle Trial. May 5th.—Closed Grass Track Meeting. July 7th.—Grass Track Grand Prix.

July 28th.—Reliability Championship Trial.

and other Social Runs and conducted tours. The Chairman and Press Secretary is Mr. E. 0. Spence, 21, High Street, Rusholme, Manchester.

Brighton and Hove Motor Club.

The Club recently held a very successful Seventh Annual Dinner at the Grand Hotel, under the Chairmanship of their President, Viscount Curzon, the guests of the evening being the Mayor of Brighton and the Mayor of Hove, and these were supported by 120 members and their friends.

After an extensive Prize Distribution, the party enjoyed dancing in the Grand Hotel Ball-room until I o’clock, the evening being voted a great success.

Following upon this Social gathering, the Eighth Annual, General Meeting was well attended and the officers of the Club were elected for the ensuing season.

It was unanimously decided to hold, if possible, two long distance trials this season ; the Brighton to Beer Trial on June 23rd, and a second trial to ” pastures new,” namely, some place in Yorkshire, aided by the kindly offered assistance of the Ilkley Motor Club ; the date for this was not fixed, but it will probably be early in September.

The Secretary’s address is, C. L. Clayton, io, Prince Albert Street, Brighton, Sussex.

Kent and Sussex Light Car Club.

The Fixture List of this Club includes, April 14th, Treasure Hunt, and on May 19th, June 23rd, August nth, -and September 22nd, Speed Trials at Lewes.

The Secretary is Air. R. Dallas Brett, 114, High Street, Hythe, Kent.

North Liverpool Motor Cycle Club.

The Acting Hon. Secretary of this Club, Mr. Harry Grist, 206, Walton Beck Road, Anfield, Liverpool, informs us that the Fixtures for 1928 include :—

January 29th, James Cup Reliability Trial ; February 26th, Sergent Cup Reliability Trial ; March 25th, Members Cup Reliability Trial ; Easter Sunday and Monday, Liverpool-Edinburgh Trial ; May, Marsden Cup Reliability Trial ; Whitsuntide, Liverpool-London Trial (proposed) ; July, Two Wednesday-evening Trials ; August 26th, Moss Cup Reliability Trial ; September 23rd, Wade Cup Reliability Trial ; October 28th, Bray Cup Reliability Trial.

Junior Car Club.

The Junior Car Club announces that the Grand Hall of the Connaught Rooms has been booked for Friday, December 7th, for the Club’s 1928 Annual Dinner and Dance. This early announcement of the date will, it is hoped, enable the Secretaries of other Clubs to arrange suitable dates for their own functions and so avoid any possible clashing in dates.

Newcastle Motor Club.

The Hon. Secretary for 1928 is Mr. E. Willan, 42, (rev Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Annual Meeting of the Club took place on January 26th, at the Central Exchange Hotel. There is a whist drive and dance fixed for February 15th, at the Grand Assembly Rooms (Lower Suite), tickets for which are 25. 6d., exclusive of refreshments.

The R.A.C. has issued the following Closed Permit :— 26th Februar V-Rel iabil it y -Trial—Sunbeam M. C .C.