CONTENTS., January 1926



Editorial … ••• ••• ••• Cornering at Speed. By Major H. 0. D. Segrave Motoring Sportsmen : Mr. Vernon Balls. By the Editor ••• ••• ••• • • • • • • Sporting Cars on Test. The Th. Schneider Sports Model ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• A Day Out With a Grand Sports “Salmson ” •.• Motor-Cycle Speedmen Mr. C. W. G. Lacey London-Gloucester and London-Exeter Pictures The London-Exeter-London Reliability Trial 231, Sporting Machines on Test : The Super Sports “New Hudson.” By Arnold Raddyffe ••• Round the Clubs ••• ••• • •• The London-Exeter Trial in Pictures ••• ••• 215 216-21t 219-220 221-223 224-226 227,230 228-229 232,234 236-237 238-244 243