On Salcombe Hill.


On Salcombe Hill.

Coining within the 1,53o c.c. class we had to average at least 15 m.p.h. on Salcombe from a standing start, but the cheerful little Riley romped up in great style without dropping below 20 m.p.h. Clarke’s Amilcar gave some trouble on this hill, and R. Antony (Matchless) also failed to make the ascent. At Colyford, 8i miles from Salcombe, Bond once again began to agitate the 2ether and we had ten minutes of light music, which caused much amusement among the villagers. A little later E. J. S. Stafford (Rudge and sidecar) passed us, endeavouring tp make up time, but can have had little hope of even a bronze.

The officials at the Axminster check were greeted with ” He’s a jolly good fellow” from the loud speaker and rather suspected Bond of having ventriloquial powers. We did not stay long here as we wanted to get to the ” stop and restart” test on White Sheet Hill. Competitors who were liable to suffer from nerves had plenty to be anxious about, as several stops and restarts were necessary in coming up to the starter owing to congestion on the hill. Had we been at all nervous we should have been reassured by the jovial countenance of Mr. Lionel Martin, who wished u§ luck as he dropped his flag. The Riley thereupon moved off and was gathering speed as the ten yards mark was crossed, beyond which E. S. Hutchence (A.C.) came to a stop.

An Easy Run Home.

Stopping “(for petrol at Maiden-Newton, we saw G. Baxter (959 0. E. C. Temple), who had picked up a split pin which damaged his outer cover beyond repair, causing his retirement.

Continuing on our way without further incident, we arrived at the Dorchester check whilst the Western Electric super-het. poured forth the strains of “Auld Lang Syne,” and we were very thankful for the coffee and cakes provided by Mr. Churchill (not of Road Fund fame).

From Dorchester to Blandford the good straight roads led to much speed work, in which we were unable to join owing to our official responsibilities as a Travelling Marshal.

At the Salisbury control some despondent individual was holding forth from 2W, so we cut him out and tucked ourselves up in readiness for the last stage of the trip. During the remainder of the journey Bond kept us awake with wireless and the super-h.et. was still in great form as we arrived at Staines to put in an indent for a gold medal.

Notes on the Riley Sports.

So much for the journey. This article would not be complete without some special allusion to the Riley, which never gave a moment’s trouble during the whole trip. The car justified its reputation for” Rileyability ” in every way and was most comfortable to drive. Even when pressed hard the engine loved its work and proved capable of revving up to 3,730 for minutes on end without creating the slightest anxiety. No actual timed acceleration tests were made, as on the way home we had a strong following wind which would have prevented a fair measure of performance, but the car got away very well indeed at all times.

High ultimate speed has not been the object of the designers, though fully loaded the car touched 65 m.p.h. on several occasions. It gets into its stride quickly and without fuss, so that at the end of our run we were unanimous that the Riley is a splendid,car for the sporting driver who likes trial work combined with fast and comfortable touring.