Round the Clubs, January 1925


Round the Clubs


The list of competitive events for the current year was brought to a close on November 26th with a novel “check spotting” evening reliability trial. The course consisted of a seven miles circuit from Utley through Weston and Askwith to the top of Snowdon Moor, and back to Otley via Can Bank. The circuit had to be traversed at a speed of 15 miles per hour. There were

four checks, and on the first circuit these were indicated by a white light. On the second round, however, there was no indication, but competitors had to pull up in exactly the same place. An error entailed a penalty of 20 marks, and there were also penalties for errors in speed. The winner was Mr. Herbert Payne, of Utley, driving a 15.9 Hotchkiss car, who accurately spotted all the checks, but lost 15 marks for errors in time. He wins outright a silver cup presented by Mr. W. S. Crowth.ers, of Otley. Mr. Payne has assisted in organising numerous events during the year, but this was the first time he had taken part as a competitor. His success was very popular. Second place was gained by E. Hey, of Addingbam, riding a Norton combination, with error of 23 marks; and third by F. Jones, of Bradford, driving a 11.9 Standard car, with an error of 29 marks. There were 13 entries. Supper followed at headquarters, the Black Horse Hotel, Otley.

Ilkley and District Club figured prominently among the prize winners at the annual dinner of the Yorkshire Centre of the Auto-Cycle Union. In addition to the Haggas Shield for the Yorkshire Centre Club Team Championship, members received nine gold medals, three silver medals, and one bronze medal for successful performances in various events.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. J. H. Hohnes, The Garage, Station Road, Otley.

The Annual Dinner and Prize Distribution at headquarters the Black Horse Hotel, Otley, on December Toth, was a brilliant success. Over ioo, including ladies, attended. The president (Mr. Fred Waite) presided, and the prizes were presented by Mrs. Waite. They made a handsome collection, comprising 24 silver cups (apart from a number, of miniatures), 16 gold medals, 19 silver medals, and a like number of bronze. The Haggas Shield, the championship trophy won in the Yorkshire Centre Team Trial without the loss of a single mark, occupied the place of honour.

The toast of ” The A.C.U. and the Yorkshire Centre” was proposed by Mr. H. Payne, Mr. F. B. Roper, of Sheffield, responded on behalf of the A.C.U., and Mr. T. W. Monkhouse, of Harrogate, on behalf of the Yorkshire Centre. Mr. W. A. Dovener, Hon. Secretary of the Yorkshire Centre and of the Bradford Club, proposed the toast of the Club, and Mr. J. H. Holmes (Hon.

Secretary), in reply, said the season had been one of the Inost successful—if not the most successful—in the history of the Club. It would be hard to find another Club in Yorkshire with a list of outstanding performances in the Ilkley and District Club’s own particular speciality, namely, reliability trials. Next season it was proposed to run fewer trials and offer more prizes. Mention of the probability of the competitors in the Stock Trial lunching at Otley on two days was received with enthusiasm. The most popular toast of the evening was that of ” The President,” with which was coupled the name of Mrs. Waite. It was proposed by Mr. H. W. Preston, and accorded musical honours. The toast of ” The Press 11 was submitted by Mr. H. W. Robinson, who referred to the general excellence of the trade journals. During the evening a presentation of a silver rose bowl was made to Mrs. Kerr, daughter of the hotel proprietress, on the occasion of her recent marriage.

Speaking at the Annual Dinner of the Ilkley and District Motor Club on December Ioth, Mr. T. W. Monkhouse, Vice-President. of the Yorkshire Centre, A.C.U., referred to the agitation against cyclists carrying rear lights, and said the logic of the agitators was about as had as their mathematics. In a letter to the Press, Mr. T. M. Caldwell, consul, Cyclists’ Touring Club, had stated that there were six million bicycles in England, and only half-a-million motors. One had only to look at the returns to see that there was a million. Then Mr. Caldwell said the value Of the cycles was equal to that of the motors. The average value of a bicycle to-day was £8, a total of L48,000,000. At the same ratio the average worth of the motors. was .48—a ridiculous suggestion. Mr. Caldwell, like many others, forgot one thing. That was that all were users of the road together. Yet it seemed as if some people wanted to push all responsibility for danger on to the motorists. Surely the motorists were entitled to consideration. Advocates of no rear lights were taking a responsibility of urging cyclists to run a danger they ought not to run. “All we ask is to be left alone,” was Mr. Caldwell’s final plea. That, replied Mr. Monkhouse, was what the stage coachmen said in the old days. These advocates were living in the last century. They were. asleep. They were Rip Van Winkles. They were sluggards. All they wanted was to be left asleep. It was for the motorists to awake them to their danger.

Mr. Monkhouse also referred to the danger from glaring headlights, and advocated that there should be a maximum and minimum candle power for all motor vehicles. Another suggestion was a device by which motor cars could show a green light at the rear when they were about to pull up, as a warning to following traffic.


The Club were again favoured by fine dry weather for their last event of the season, for it was admittedly taking somewhat of a risk to hold Speed Trials so late on in the season, this also no doubt accounted for the falling off in entries as compared with recent previous events, otherwise the event was just as successful as the Club’s other meetings have been, and although there was not a record number of competitors, quantity was made up for by quality as can be judged when such well known Northern riders as the following were some of the competitors : H. Hudson, E. Searle, L. Slater, L. Padley, F. Brockbank, C. Waterhouse, E. W. Spencer, etc.

It was expected that this event would see some new records put up for the course, but although this was the intention of several of the competitors, their intentions failed to materialise, for times on the whole were slightly slower than those recorded at previous meetings, this can be accounted for by the weather, which although fine and dry, was very cold and no doubt had an adverse effect on carburation, as a matter of fact several riders said that this was their chief trouble.

The only records to be made during the event were the 550 and 750 c.c. Flying Start Sidecar Classes, in which E. Searle with his Norton managed to improve his previous record by i /r6th of a second. The star performance was undoubtedly put up by this rider as he not only secured the above-mentioned records, but also put up fastest solo and sidecar times of the day and collected no fewer than fourteen First and two Second Class awards. A record to be proud of. He was hotly pursued in the solo classes by Spencer, Brockbank and Hawthorne, but none of them were able to put up faster times. In the Standing Start Sidecar Classes, H. Hudson managed to beat Searle by a very short margin, and it was expected that he would do something great in the Flying Starts, but he had to retire owing to mechanical trouble, thus leaving the event open to Searle. F. Brockbank in securing a good number of places is due for praise as this was the rider’s first acquaintance with the Stalybridge Course, so that next season we should see this rider further up the awards list. As usual, the same course was used which is always used by the Club, a private road with a smooth concrete surface. The distance used is just one-third of a mile, with an average gradient of one in twenty-five, included in the course are two bends, one just at the start and the other at the finish, which when one knows them well, can both be taken “all out.” I mention this, as some people thank that these bends are sharp corners and unsafe for speed, but the safety margin can be judged when it is realised that some of the competitors in the past season’s events are taking the finishing bend at a speed of well over 8o m.p.h. The method of running the events during the season has been very successful, and is that competitors are given two runs up the course, e.g., two runs each for the standing and flying start, solo and sidecar, and their best time is taken to count in all classes entered. By this means the events have been run off very quickly to the appreciation of all


The Fifth Annual Dinner was held on December 6th, in the Gordon Saloon at The Holborn Restaurant, London, where a large gathering of members and guests partook of an excellent repast. The chair was occupied by the President, Professor A. M. Low, D.Sc., F.R.G.S., F.C.S., etc., supported by two of the Club’s VicePresidents, Mr. A. J. M. Ivison and Mr. Bernard Staley, the latter being the founder of the Club.

Following the loyal toast a number of telegrams, genuine and otherwise, were read, amongst the senders being the Chairman of the Highgate Bench and” Mr. A.” regretting their inability to attend for various appropriate reasons.

Speeches were few, brief, and mostly in humorous strain, whilst the lady members were prominent in making several excellent responses to various toasts.

Professor Low kept the proceedings alive to the fullest extent and spoke of the excellent work the Club had done during the past five years in fostering and encouraging the sport in North London. He emphasised the fact that the North London M.C.C. was one of the few organisations which studied the social and sporting motorist in equal proportions, and considered that along such lines lay the success of club life. As an example of a sporting-social event, he instanced the London Rally of Motorists which attracted over 1,200 enthusiasts to the Alexandra Palace last Whit Monday.

The Honorary Secretary, Mr. Alan W. Day, briefly outlined the activities of the Club during the 1924 season and stated that the weather had caused several important events to be cancelled. He also dwelt upon the many recent attempts to form a multitude of small local clubs, and proved that the interests of the sport as a whole were not best served by misguided, though well-meaning, local endeavours. During the past three years no fewer than eight local clubs have been formed in North and North-West London, seven of which are now defunct.

An excellent musical and vocal programme was presented and the season’s awards were presented by the President.

Preparations for the 1925 Fixture List are now in hand and full details of membership are obtainable from Mr. Alan W. Day, ” Claremont,” Ballards Lane, Finchley, N. 3 (Telephone : Finchley 175).


This Club’s Annual Half-Day Winter Trial was run as an invitation trial open to members of the Birmingham University M.C., Sandwell M.C.C. and West Birmingham M.C.C. The course included three hills, several small water-splashes, some thirty miles of muddy and grass grown lanes and six time checks. These latter were responsible for most of the marks lost.

Out of an entry of 32, only 14 completed the course. TURNER CuP and GOLD MEDAL for best performance—N. P. O. Bradley. 4i Sunbeam and Sidecar

Nicuol,SoN CuP for best amateur performance—J. C. H. Johnson. 2/ Sunbeam.


The Middlesbrough Motor Club’s annual ball holds a very high place in order of precedence in social functions. Since its inception five years ago the “Motor Club dance” has steadily gained prestige, going from success to success, and the only complaint one heard at the close of the latest and best, held recently, was that it had been all too short. There is no greater compliment. An attempt was made to obviate the irritating blanks between numbers, two orchestras being engaged to play alternately. The scheme worked well, and the ‘tween dance pauses were of extremely short duration after both bands had settled down to the job. No fault could be found with the music. All the newest dance numbers were played, and three or four encores per dance signified, unmistakably, the approval of the

company. If Mr. Lowther Carroll’s waltzes were exceptionally popular with the dancers, the fox-trot syncopation of the Linthorpe Assembly Rooms orchestra was not behind in guests’ esteem.

The hall was beautifully decorated, whilst even the vault-like crypt had been transformed into an inviting supper room by the genius of Mr. George Buck, and the repast provided by Mrs. E. Smith was in every way worthy of the occasion.

Over 400 attended the dance, so that, socially and financially, the fifth annual Motor Club Ball can be said to have been an outstanding success.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. A. V. Buttress, i8, Ayresome Park Road, Middlesbrough.


At the fourth annual dinner of the above Club, which was held at the Victory Hotel, Leeds, considerable satisfaction was expressed at the decision of the parent body to hold the Stock trials in that county again. Mr. J. Couchar, in proposing the toasts of the

pointed out that a very considerable proportion of the membership of Yorkshire clubs were car owners, who joined, just for the sake of the sporting events which were promoted by motor cycling bodies. As at present constituted, the A.C.U. had no power to promote events in which cars could be included, and he thought that the time was fast approaching when the A.C.U. should endeavour to keep in touch at any rate with the members of motor cycling clubs, who deserted the cycle for the small car.


The last sporting event of the season, as promoted by this club, was the Thomas Cup Trial. The entry list was a satisfactory one, and so also was the proportion of actual starters. The course, which was over two twenty-mile circuits, ‘included some quite difficult colonial sections, amongst them a muddy footpath along which the majority had to push their machines for some at least of its length. In the result the Cup went to J. Nicholls who, riding a Norton, was dead on time for both circuits. G. C. King, on an A.j.S., came in second, being half a minute late, while Goddard, also on a Norton, won the third prize, being one minute early.


This comparatively newly formed club wound up its first season by a very successful dance at the Court Hall, King Street, when members and friends to the number of about a hundred spent a very pleasant evening touring to the strains of an excellent Jazz band. Prizes were distributed during the interval, after a few remarks by the President of the Club, Mr. Jesse Baker. The following is a list of the awards.

OPENING TRIAL, April : Club Silver Medal, Gold Centre, W. Bolton, i ; Club Silver Medal, P. Barnes, 2 ; Club Bronze Medals, It Meadows and J. Jackson, 3.

RUDD AMATEUR TRIAL, May : Silver Cup presented by Messrs. Rudd, of Wigan and St. Helens, together with a Club Gold. Medal to winner, Mr. T. Witter, x; Club Gold Medal, R. Bowman, 2 ; Club Silver and Bronze Medals, E. Latham and C. McKnight, 3.

TIMBERLAKE’ Cur TR I A 1,, July : Silver Cup presented. by Mr. H. H. Timberlake, together with Club Gold Medal to winner, Mr. J. Scott, z; Club Bronze Medal, H. C. Stephenson, 2 ; Club Bronze Medal, P. Bentley, 3.

M. C. C.

Sir Harold Bowden, the new President of the Motor Cycling Club., in proposing the toasts of the club, stated that he owned his first motor cycle in 1901, the year of the foundation of the club. He remarked on the friendly relations now existing between the club and the A.C.U., which relations, he hoped would tend to improve. Mr. L. A. Baddeley, Chairman of the Executive Committee, replying, claimed that the club had had a record year. The London-Land’s End Trial had been exceptionally well attended, and the inclusion of a new hill, Blue Hills Mine, had considerably increased the interest of the event. The London-Edinburgh run, too, was more popular than ever, while it was hoped that the stop and re-start test on White Sheet Hill would have the same inspiriting effect on the London-Exeter trial.


The fourth annual dinner of this club was held at Ye Olde Jug and Glass Hotel, Edwinstowe, when the usual distribution of prizes took place.

The Reliability Trial for the Club Cup took place, however, several days afterwards, a field of 18 competing in a very successful event. The course started at Rotherham, and led through Thirsk and Sutton Bank, where there was a non-stop section which weeded out four of the competitors. Lunch was partaken of at the Three ‘runs Hotel, Thirsk, after which the homeward journey, which included five secret checks, some of which were effected after dusk, was commenced. J. P.

Collinson (347 Sunbeam) and A. N. Jenkins (348 A. J.S.), tied for first place, and J. S. Rodgers (799 A. J.S. and sidecar), took the second prize.


The first general meeting was held on the 2oth ult., when the forming of the club was unanimously carried. The objects of the club were to encourage and improve motoring in general, to arrange holiday tours, lectures, debates, meetings and competitions, and to cater for all classes of riders. A suggested programme for the year 1925 was put forward, and it was decided that the matter of rules be held over until the next general meeting. Officers and a committee were elected as follows :

Chairman, Mr. S. J. Sullivan ; vice-chairmen, Messrs. L. Williams and K. Hughes ; hon. secretary, Mr. F. J. Barbour ; 6, Sycamore Road, Waterloo ; lion. treasurer, Mr. L. Groves, 23, Trinity Road, Bootle ; committee, Messrs. G: Emsley, C. Parkes, B. Hepton, J. B. Wilson, L. Myerscough, K. Coffee, J. Bennison, A. Ellis, and E. Stevens.

The subject of subscriptions was discussed at some length, and it was finally agreed that the full annual subscription, to include affiliation to the A.C.U., should be 78. 6d. Social members would pay 25.


This club held an interesting night trial early in December, starting from London and running to Coombe Bottom, over Whitedowns and Ranmore Common to Burford Bridge, and thence, via the Zig-Zag, to the top of Box Hill. From there the route led down Boxhurst to Mitcham, which was the terminus. The results were as follow :—

FIRST CLASS AWARDS.—J.P. . McKenna Tr enna (499 Triumph sc.),

A. E. Cooke (346 Rudge), A. B. Bourne (349 MontgomeryBradshaw), T. F. E. Watson (398 A.B.C.), A. T. Clark (349 Hawker), and P. M. Walters (499 Sunbeam).

SECOND CLASS AWARD.—H. R. B. Waters (499 Sunbeam).


There were 25 entrants for this club’s Bettman Cup Trial, which was held over a fairly stiff course, including a preliminary brake test, the negotiation of an observed section at Frankton on the first of the double circuit, another at Bretford on the second, and a further brake test on Stoneleigh Hill. The awards were as follow :

BETTMAN CUP AND GOLD MEDAL.—F. H. Brown (Rex-Acme sc.), 94 marks lost.

Gm]) MEDAL.—J. Montgomery (Montgomery-Bradshaw), 122 marks lost.

Su,vra mnua.r4.—W. Evans (Triumph), 142 marks lost. BRONZE MEDAL.—W. A. Henley (Rover), 164 marks lost.


Thirty-five entries were received for a winter reliability trial. The course, from the start at Wood Green, led through Potters Bar, Elstree, Watford, Rickmansworth and Harefield, where two rather troublesome water-splashes were encountered. Between Denham and Fulmer (where a secret check was operated) there was another deep splash. Lunch was taken at Burnham Beeches, and the course then led to Station Hill, Woobum Green, where a stop and re-start test was held. The course then lay over Plackwell Heath and through Bourne End to Hogsback Wood, selected for the non stop section. Results :—

GOLD MEDALS.—Beavis (A.J.S.) and Turner (Triumph), no marks lost.

SILVER MEDALS.—Lucas (Sunbeam) amd Middleton (Cotton), 2 marks lost.

BRONZE mumu,s.—Harling (Norton), 7 marks lost ; Marlow (A.J.S.), 8; Finch (A.J.S.), x3; Morton (Norton), [3; Enock (Triumph), 14 ; Garratt ( Rudge), 15.


Twenty-eight solo and twenty-two sidecar machines started in the annual winter trial on November 30th for the Hepworth and Grandage Cup. In addition to individual entries there were fourteen teams of three nominated. Eight cars also took part in the event.

Keighley Gate (Ilkley) and Tlawaite Brow were early—. and rough—observed hills ; then followed Horden Bank, where many failed. The route now led into Wharfedale, with a coffee stop at Burnsall and a fairly easy afternoon section over the moors to Otley. Scott riders shone conspicuously and carried off all the principal awards, as the results show.


HEPWORTH AND GRANDAGE CUP (TO BE HELD FOR ONE YEAR) AND sir.vim CUP.—J. S. DrixbOry (596 Seat), no marks lost.

CLUB SILVER SPOONS.—W. Moore (Scott) and C. H. Wood (Scott), 5 marks lost each.

sir,vna ASTITRAY.—C. Thackray (499 Triumph), zo marks lost.


S/LVER CUP.—W. Clough (596 Scott), 3o marks lost. Srr,vszt SPOON.—P. Dean (346 Rudge), 50 marks lost. SILVER ASIITRAY.—J. Naylor (799 A.J.S.), 6o marks lost.


WINNING TEAM.—J. S. Duxbury (596 Scott), W. Moore (Scott), W. Clough (596 Scott sc.).

RUNNERS-UP.—R. Turner (Douglas), S. Hemingway (Norton), N. Hemingway (Norton).

The results were broadcast from the local wireless station after the event.


The annual meeting was held in Thompson’s Restaurant, Belfast, on the nth inst., the outgoing president (Alderman J. A. Duff, M.P.) presiding. . The club’s activities during the year were outlined by the secretary, Mr. W. Phillips, who mentioned that the membership had increased considerably, and the report of the treasurer showed a credit balance of almost &oo.

The election of officers resulted as follows :—President, Mr. G. W. Clarke ; vice-presidents, the Lord Mayor, Capt. Herbert Dixon, D.L., M.P., Messrs. J. A. Duff, M.P., Thos. Moles, M.P., J. M. Andrews, Di,., M.P., W. J. Andrews, C. E. Jacobs, T. W. Murphy, P. C. Welsh, J. Holland, S. Hutchinson, and S. Harding ; hon. solicitor, Mr. J. C. Barr ; hon. secretary, Mr. W. Phillips ; hon. treasurer, Mr. S. Wallace ; committee, Messrs. James Millar, Geo. Hewitt, Win. Murray, James McKillen, James Brown, Robt. MiLardy, J. Stewart, Wm. Armstrong, W. J. Coates, and Wm. McKinstry ; delegates to the Ulster Centre of the Motor Cycle Union, Messrs. S. Wallace, J. Millar, J. Stewart and W. Armstrong ; hon. auditors, Messrs. Wilson and C. Price.

A smoking concert was held after the meeting, and the prizes won during the year were handed to the winners by Mr. S. Hutchinson, who said that the club inembership—I33—was the second largest in Ireland.


A successful reliability trial was held over a 50 miles course on the 7th inst., starting from and finishing at Stockheath Common. Of the 33 solo machines, sidecars and light cars which started, only one failed to finish. Result :

SILVER Cup.—(for best performance).—G. B. Evens (348 A.J.S.), 89 points (of ioo possible).

MEDALS.—J. Brew (349 B .S . A.) , 87k; A. E. Young (346 New Imperial), 871.

BRONZE MEDALS.—A. B. Collins (348 A.J.S.), 87; W. Rowe (348 A.J.S.), 86.; W. Brown (349 B.S.A.), 831.

The trial was the third sporting event held by the club since its formation last February, the other two events being hill-climbs. The first event for 1925 will be a reliability trial in February. The hon. trials secretary is Mr. W. S. R. Adams, Glen Cottage, Down End, Drayton, Hants.


The Rough Riders’ Cup Trial was held on the 7th December. Contrary to expectation, Jeffrey Hill did not cause the competitors any great anxiety, and several good ascents were made. At the conclusion of the trial there was an impromptu musical afternoon at White Cross. The winner of the Rough Riders’ Cup proved to be L. Rimmer (A.J.S.), while the runner-up was E. W. Hodge (Brough Superior). The trial, which was an experiment on the part of the club, was extremely enjoyable, and it will probably be repeated next year.

A report of the Southport-Scarborough run, organised by this club for Boxing Day and the next day, will be found on another page, in a review of the sporting events of the month.