Formula One test series



In his December column, the excellent Simon Taylor hit several nails firmly and squarely on the head. Why should there not be a series of nonchampionship events for Formula One cars?

I envisage a number of stand-alone 100-mile events, run on a mix of existing tracks and other approved circuits. New, old and current drivers could compete, and cars (current or last season’s) could either be factory or private team-owned. And such short-duration races would avoid the costly paraphernalia of refuelling.

Such events would fulfil the test purposes of engineering development and driver selection and training, provide a competition programme for constructors and teams not engaged in the current world championships, increase circuit revenues, add greatly to spectator and media coverage choice, and presumably, therefore, please team sponsors.

One could imagine the less competitive championship teams enjoying the opportunity to run near the front; away from a championship meeting, a Minardi or Prost on full song at, say, Pembrey, driven by an up-and-coming driver with a point to prove, would be worth going to see.


Gavin T N Ross, Alford, Aberdeenshire