It's that Goodwood letter again



With reference to the letter from John Aston on the inaugural Goodwood circuit meeting, he ought to have taken the trouble to get his facts straight. Nobody had to ‘dress up’ to attend the event, the only requirement being a jacket and a tie for those who went into the paddock itself. The spectators were admittedly lucky with the weather and experienced something genuinely out of this world. From a driver’s point of view the track is nothing short of fantastic, even a bit scary in a pre-war GP car – it’s the first time I’ve pulled full revs in top! His letter mentions Cadwell and Silverstone, at which I have won plenty of races but, believe me, nothing even comes close to the Goodwood experience. I knew Jenks well enough to know that he would have loved it. And as for ticket prices, no doubt it is possible to pay £15 or £20 to see cars like TVRs or McLarens running elsewhere – so what?

Mr Aston should consider attending one of the future circuit events (one per year) to see what is really going on, even if the only Morris men are the drivers of some of the laid-on transport! My only complaint would be directed at the specification of some of the vehicles racing but hopefully this will be tightened up in due course. Let’s give credit where it’s due.

I am, yours, etc. Julian Majzub, Little Wolford, Warwickshire.

(You would scarcely credit the amount of letters we have received on this subject; they have kept us amused for weeks. Still, there are limits and I’ve finally reached mine. This subject is now therefore closed – Ed)