Completely Morgan


Completely Morgan — Three-wheelers 1910-1952, by Ken Hill. Veloce, £28.50.

This is the third volume in the Hill trilogy but it seems to have come in the incorrect numerical order — i e after his similar books on the four-wheeled Morgans of 1935-1965 and those from 1968. No matter. It is full of excellent reproductions of Morgan “triking” photographs, even if these have mostly been seen previously, a year-by-year competition history, the story of the Company and the Clubs, models, and very usefully, maintenance articles from various magazines, with good drawings, appertaining to the three-wheelers. It is rather an odd book, as you come upon four-wheelers and their portraits mixed in with the three-wheelers, but this was format used for the other Hill books and does not much interfere with its value. Darrnont and Sandford three wheelers get a look-in, too. So many books about the unique cars and cycle cars from Malvern but I can see the appeal of this one, especially as a pictorial browsing enjoyment and for its great amount of valuable maintenance help, that for Ford engines included. W B

Derek Rutherford has published a little book of reminiscences, which covers, rather briefly, his Lagonda associations and his other cars, memories of showing Kaye Don and Sutton round when they came over to Ulster for the 1928 TT, about RAG carburettors, and of early fuel injection systems and the first British mainline diesel railway locos and a few notes on railways in other countries. He will sell copies at £12.50; from Michal West House, Frome Avenue, Stroud, Glos. W B