Club news, February 1989


1989 VSCC fixtures at which paying spectators are welcome include Silverstone race meeting on April 15, Wiscombe hill-climb on May 14, Silverstone race meeting on June 24, Shelsley Walsh hill-climb on July 1, Oulton Park race meeting on July. 8-9, Prescott hill-climb on August 8, Cadwell Park race meeting on August 27 and Donington Park race meeting on September 23-24. Put the dates in your diary now!

750 Motor Club is planning all manner of commemorations to mark its 50th birthday in 1989, including re-enactments of its first trial and social run, and special concentration on the A7 Rally at Beaulieu. It will also hold a special dinner/dance at the Excelsior Hotel at Heathrow on February 4.

Bugatti OC is going to Le Mans in June to commemorate the Wimille/Veyron victory there in the 1939 24-Hour Race, and the 1989 International Rally will be held in Sweden.

It is good to learn that the Inter-Register Championship, whereby one-make clubs, catering for cars of similar performance indulge in simple competitive events, will continue this year, starting with a Fiat navigational rally on April 16 and ending with the Austin Ten Drivers’ Club night event in Wiltshire on October 28. For details write to Adrian Lloyd, 26 Spithead Avenue, Gosport . Hampshire.

Tony Harrison of the Delahaye Club (GB) is writing a history of Automobiles Delahaye, and would like to hear from anyone who can help. His address is 34 Marine Parade, Hythe, Kent CT21 6AN.

Morgan Three-Wheeler Club’s opening run of the year is likely to be held at Weston Park in Staffordshire over the Easter Weekend.

The 1989 Midlands Festival of Transport which embraces vehicles of many kinds and ages as well as aeroplanes, microlights and motorcycles, is due to take place at Weston Park, Shropshire, on March 26-27. Everything goes, from farm machinery to fire engines, classic cars to historic commercial, and period caravans to taxis.

There is no suppressing the growth of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club, judging from the list of 142 newly-elected members the November/December 1988 issue of the Club’s Bulletin.

Guest of Honour at the British Automobie Racing Club’s Big Night Out at Effingham Park on February 4 will be Ron Dennis of McLaren International, awarded one of the club’s Gold Medals “for outstanding achievement in motor racing by British subjects”.