Fixtures News


The dates of veteran to classic 1987 fixtures are beginning to come in. Sixty cars from 1911 to 1958 are required for the Monte Carlo Classic Car Rally, which has a variety of starting-points, converges on Aix-les-Bains on September 15, and finishes at Monte Carlo. Only 15 UK cars will be invited, so interested owners should apply now, to the AC de Monaco, 23 Boulevard Albert 1,98000 Monaco.

The Daimler & Lanchester OC announces that this year’s National Weekend will be June 13-14.

The FlVA World Rally of Ancient Vehicles takes place in Scandinavia from June 10-20, and 100 cars from 1905 to 1960 are invited, especially those made prior to 1919. Long drives and steep gradients will be involved. Entry forms are available from Scandinavian Viking Rally, Dansk Veteranbil Klub, Post boks 33, DK-2990 Niva, Denmark. WB