Multiple Insurance

Multiple Insurance


I was extremely interested to read, in your November issue, the letter from F. C. Irish complaining of the absence of any Insurance Policy designed for Collectors. He succinctly explained their need to have cover on any of their vehicles without having to pay for covering each one all the time or continually substituring one for another on the policy.

As both a Lloyd’s Broker and the owner of an embarrassing number of cars, ranging from a 1902 Mors to a 1960 Berlinetta Ferrari, I had both the incentive and the opportunity to tackle the problem.

As a result a policy is now available through my Company to genuine collectors, with good rccords, which will give cover against third party risks as well as accidental damage, fire or theft risks, if required, for any number of unspecified vehicles, even modern or loaned, on or off the road.

The premium is reasonable and is calculated partly on the driver and partly on the estimated total value at risk.

Additional named drivers can be included on a permanent basis or for short periods at a pre-fixed charge.

The Policyholder is thus able to drive any vehicle whatsoever with full protection without the need to contact Insurers. Purchases only need be advised once a year when he will be asked to provide a list of vehicles owned at that time.

Insurers’ traditional arguments against issuing a Policy where the premium is based solely on the driver and not the car (or cars) are both well-known and respected, but it is pleasing to have been able to persuade an Underwriter that those who love their vehicles enough to form a collection should, by the nature of things, know how to maintain and drive them safely.

The Policy is not designed to compete with the admirable “One Make Club” schemes but there is a need for those of us whose tastes cover a wide range, or who buy the rarer makes, to have a Policy which recognises our problems and needs.

If anyone cares to contact me, giving brief details, I will see what can be done. Haywards Heath W. D. LAKE Letters will be forwarded—Ed.]