"Automobile Electrical Systems, 2nd Edition"


“Automobile Electrical Systems, and Edition”, by A. J. Coker. 128 pp. 6 1/2 in. 5 3/10 in. (Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 88, Kingsway, London, WC2. 10s.)

This little book takes the novice through a car’s electrical system in a series of questions and answers, with plenty of diagrams and wiring charts by way of illustration, it is indexed and should be most useful to those needing to understand car “electrickery” and to re-wire or repair such systems. There is an index and the range of the questions can be gauged when we say that they range from “What is an electric current?” to “What test devices can be employed for locating a shortcircuit to earth?” and “How is a reverse lamp wired ?” Useful!-W.B.