Exide on the ball



I sympathise with Mr. J. Howard following trouble which has been experienced with batteries of our manufacture.

We freely acknowledge that we have experienced trouble with the battery type to which he refers. The fault has been occasioned by a certain sealing defect which only became apparent after the battery had been in service for some months. This resulted in a number of defective batteries reaching the motorist over a period and would account for the fact that Mr. Howard was unfortunate to suffer two successive failures. All your readers may rest assured that this fault has been located and remedied and that all batteries of this design now being made are free from the defect and up to the standard Mr. Howard is entitled to expect from Exide.

There are two further points in Mr. Howard’s letter which I feel require further explanation. When a motorist buys a Silver Exide battery, he is covered by our two-year insured life scheme. This guarantee operates from the date he buys the battery and relates to any battery whether or not it be obtained as original equipment on a new cat or as a replacement purchase. In Mr. Howard’s case, therefore, the second replacement battery he obtained is covered by our two-year insured life scheme from the date of its purchase.

Secondly, whilst Mr. Howard is quite correct in remarking on the reduction in the size and weight of batteries fitted to cars in recent years, the great improvement in materials and high rate electrical characteristics have ensured that the standards of starting performance and life have not deteriorated. At the same time these developments have provided batteries at lower prices to the consumer than would otherwise have been possible.

I hope that the above clarifies the position and trust that the letters printed in the January issue from Mr. J. I. Wade and Mr. John D. McKeand will support my assurance that we continue to make a first-class product.

L.C. Greening, Home Sales Manager, Exide Batteries Division Of Electric Power Storage Ltd. – Manchester.