


The Editor’s article on overhead camshaft engines was most instructive and enjoyable. I was disappointed to see that he relegated the Salmson overhead camshaft engines to the status of also-rans.”

It is quite true to say that the Salmson was the first production twin overhead camshaft engine in the light car class, and I suspect it may even have been the first production engine of this type in any class. These engines in 1,100 and 1,300-c.c. form were photographed in production style chassis as early as 1922, and were winning races in 1921.


London, N.W.11.

(Lack of space, not lack of respect, relegated the twin-cam Salmson to the list of such engines. The article was mainly about single o.h.c. valve gear but if I ever write about unusual valve actuation I promise to include the “push-pull” Salmsons. – ED.)