Ferrari's 375 Wins



As a veteran enthusiast, it saddens me to have to dispute Mr. Conway’s claim to pre-eminence for Bugatti as race winners. If the facts are examined, however, it would seem clear that two or three makes have already put Bugatti in the shade.

I have just compiled a summary of major race results the world over from 1894 to date. The summary covers the results of over 3,400 races, of which some 2,280 were held overseas. The remaining 1,540 were held in the British Isles, but of these a good three-quarters were lesser, short-distance affairs, held under National permits or as supporting events to major races. The wins scored by the most successful makes can be summarised as follows :-

The above details seem to make it clear that if the results of the innumerable small club events held, especially in this country and particularly in the last ten years, could be added, the Lotus claim to most wins would be vindicated. In the International field, however, Ferrari are clearly well ahead, with Alfa Romeo second and Bugatti only third.


Highgate N.6.