Towards the Police State


Considerable comment has been caused by the dismissal of a speeding charge against P.C. N. Yarwood, who admitted driving in a built-up area at 45-48 m.p.h. vide the Daily Express and other papers, the Magistrates at Wigan stating that an Act of Parliament permitted this transgression of the speed-limit because the driver was anxious not to arrive late at Court, where he was on duty.

And last year there was the case of a motorist deciding that another driver had pulled across Mickleham by-pass too closely. He reported the incident to the police, who quite correctly refused to take action on such slender, possibly biased, evidence. The informer then brought his own action, the Dorking Magistrates sustained a charge of driving without due care and attention, and fined the driver who was reported £15, with £10 12s. 4d. costs. For the record the informer was a Mr. Rubinstein of London, and his son, from the back seat, took the number of the other car.