The new D.K.W. F12


The first entirely new Auto-Union/D.K.W. model to be announced since Daimler-Benz took over this company, the D.K.W. F12, as we forecast last month, retains the traditional 3-cylinder 2-stroke engine. Indeed, the general conception of this new front-drive D.K.W. is similar to the existing Junior, but the engine is of 68 x 74½ mm. (889 c.c.), developing 40 b.h.p. at 4,300 r.p.m., with maximum torque (57.86 ft./lb.) at 2,250 r.p.m. It is lubricated by the automatic mixer, from a tank which contains sufficient oil for some 2,500 miles. Electrical equipment is 6volt Bosch, with triple ignition coils.

There are German Dunlop disc brakes on the front wheels, and with the drive shafts to the front wheels the opportunity has been taken of placing the discs inboard, in the air stream; this has also made it possible to use 10.63 in.-dia. discs in conjunction with 13 in. road wheels. The makers claim a cruising and top speed of 78 m.p.h., 0-50 m.p.h. in 13 sec., and over 36 m.p.g. Lubrication is not necessary below 6,200 miles, there is an all-synchromesh gearbox and the interior is finished and equipped to a high standard, with reclining front-seat squabs, so that the D.K.W. F12 is rather like a baby Mercedes-Benz.—W.B.