


I should be most-grateful if you would publish this letter of appreciation of an outstanding example of courtesy which I experienced recently. It was a bitterly cold afternoon when my Citroendied on me in a suburb of Nottingham, and the circumstances having indicated fuel starvation it was growing dusk before I found that till:, WZIA not in fact the trouble. At this stage the driver of a Volkswagen, Beg. No. SGP 155, came -across and °leered assistance. Ile proved to be an extremely competent mechanic, and, though moat inappropriately dressed for the job, delved into the works. When the trouble was ultimately diagnosed as a sheared distributor driving dog, he took

me across Nottingham to obtain a replacement. This done, we worked under the quite inadequate light of a street lamp until, after many setbacks, I and my anonymous benefactor were able to. go on our respective ways.

Had this happened when I commenced motor-cycling, over a quarter of a century ‘ago. I should not perhaps have seen in the experience anything suffieiently remarkable to occasion a letter to MOTOR SPORT, but today such things stand out as very good deed* in a naughty world.

Incidentally, I discovered, as I might have guessed, that my friend reads MOTOR SPORT, and is a true example of that oft misapplied term, the enthusiast. I am, Yours, etc.,