

We present a selection of memorials erected on the Continent in memory of departed competition drivers. Frenchman Raymond Sommer, who died in a Cooper, and the pre-I914 French champion Georges Boillot, who was shot down in the air during the 1914-18 war, have an alley and an avenue named after them at Montlhery. The memorial to Dick Seaman is at the place beside the Spa circuit where his Mercedes-Benz crashed in 1938. At the entrance-road to Montlhery stands the imposing square-sided memorial stone to Robert Benoist, who was killed by fifth columnists, and Georges Boillot. The huge memorial at Mantova, Nuvolari’s home town (unfinished when photographed), commemorates his victory in America with an AutoUnion in 1936. Beside N 7, near Nevers, is the memorial to Mlle. Renee Fridrich, who died in the ParisSt. Raphael Trial of 1932. The stone commemorating the accident to Freddy Charlier, who was killed in 1929, is beside the starting line on the Spa circuit, and there is a similar monument in memory of Pagnibon.

who lost his life while driving a 4.1-litre Ferrari in the I2-Hour Sports-Car Race at Hyeres.