


Despite the huge stun of money rmnd three or four years spent on the B.R.M., I do not think it should be criticised because both ears retired in their first big race. What does call for criticism is that front the start they were left by the Ferraris, and would also have been left by the Alfas, if there. Obviously the B.R.M. cannot yet leave

anything faster than ” ” Maserati. so that disposes of the Press ballyhoo of 400, 450 and even perhaps 500 b.h.p. I believe Maserati only claimed 240 b.h.p. from the 4 CL.T. If the had made fastest lap, or been in the lead at_ any time, one could well forgive their retirement. but speed depends upon the lianal power obtainable and usable.

Brake horsepower claims have long since replaced average speed claims, just as ” bar It. p.” has rivalled fishing tales, and some recent: claims for Formula II engines might make Nf pi-tons green with envy. but I do not suppose Joe Craig is worrying.

Mut., mim Seoter hums always been utterly fearless. Perhaps it might take the lead amongst the technical Press in refusing to publishj b.h.p. figures unless certified independently by R.A.C. engineers at the test Insult, or racing car weights unless checked on a public weighbridge with the car driven over it. This would produce the real meaning of Veritas. I am; Yours, etc.,

Send. C. E. T.tvr.ort.