

The latest Tipo America sports Ferrari sounds a very formidable oar. Its 600 V12 4.1-litre 80 by 68 mm. engine is Said to give 220 b.h.p. at 6,000 r.p.m. on an 8 to I contpressiOn-ratio, using three Weber 40 DTS carburetters each with a pair of air-cleaners. Hairpin valve springs are used, as on the racing engines. The chassis huts a wheelbase of 7 ft. 10 in. and weighs under 13 cwt. With a touring all-enveloping two-seater body the weight is still below 16 cwt. and everything about the car, appearance, facia layout, central remote control of the four-speed gearbox, is sas the enthusiast would wish it. The prototype was in Nark, with green leather upholstery. The speed is claimed as 149 m.p.h. Look out., Allard. .Jaguar and DB II ? * * *


Daytona’s Chamber of COrameree expects. says Road a’ad Tra0c, that James Melton’s Museum of Antique Autonwbiles will be a major tourist-attraction and the Chamber’s Board of Governors is believed ta have approved an issue of .shares up to the value of /250,000 towards the construction of the museum. The building will be situated at a fine vantage point. overlooking the Halifax River and is expected to cost about £157,000, the total cost. inclusive of dredging and filling in part of the Yacht Basin, being expeeted to rise lo some £225,000. At present. Melton’s collection is housed at

his home in New England and has to be closed during the winter. So Florida has taken it over. In this country It. G. .1. Natill.ti ears and aeroplanes languish in an aged wooden shed. through no fault Of his.


During a lecture before the Institution of Production Engineers by Mr. john Silver, Production Manager of Jaguar Cars, some interesting points emerged. The production of Jaguar engines is approximately 250 a month. Each engine is run-in for four hours on the bench on coal gas, a gas.earburetter feeding through. the twin -S.U.s. A further three-hour run is then given at 2000-2,500 r.p.m.. stepped up for another hour at 2,500 r.pati. and a final hour on petrol at 3,000 r.p.m. During this latter run a flash full-bore b,h.p. reading is taken, a tolerance of -1or — 5 b.h.p. being observed. A short road test completes matters. The Mk. V Jaguar has 1/. good !word in respect of

cylinder wear, these ears tic )1 ),( 111 70,000 0-121es before requiring a rebore. Mr. Silver, oiling the NE120, rat her laughed off the 2,800 ft. per iMit. pist 00speed maximum ; he said that Ian Appleyard’s XE120 was not a speciallyprepared car. * * *


s expected. it seems that the first, four-eytinder raeing car will hail from Italy, for Nardi have such a car well advanced. It. has a trussol t

chassis, FIAT-style i.f.s., reyt•rsed elliptic rear springs with radius arras, and a high head-rest intended to provide ” r011-over ” protection. The first engine is an air-cooled Universal twin with two Antal Carburetters, driving by shaft, but the four-cylinder Gilera will go in. From California waxes news of another four-cylinder ” 509,” built by J. P. Young, M.1). Crankshaft, rods and crankcase are basically Crosley, and a twin 0.11.e. heat and two carburetters are used. The capacity is 492 c.c. and this excitinglooking engine is mounted at the front. of a tubular chassis constructed largely from standard American midget parts. There is transverse front suspension of the rigid tubular front, axle, tied by dual radius arms on each side, Crosley clutch awl transmission, and disc wheels. * * *


Waders .tre ad tied. their 1950

issues of MuTuu Sem; u can be bound, with index, if they arc forwarded to our offices. The charge is I5s. Od. An index for 1950 is also available, price 2s. (hi. post free. * * *

If you have riot yet :inquired a 13.1′. Pictorial Map for your area do so at once, by writing to Shell-Mex 416 B.P., Ltd.. Shell Mex Warn?, W.C., mentioning Mortal SvOnr. They are delightfully produced.