CLUB AFFAIRS, February 1951




It will be seen that weight distribution will play a major part, and care will have to be taken in assessing the marks to be awarded for each section to avoid the pendulum swinging too far the other way.

When the ears are weighed the occupants will be seated in the same positions as they will occupy in all observed sections. Refuelling will not be permitted during the trial. This second point will not make any appreciable difference in most cases, but it could do where a large tank is fitted. It will be interesting to see how the system will work in practice. This year’s Hartwell Cup Trial will start from near Fareham and will be run over a course of about 80 miles in West Dorset. It is a closed event. Secretary : Mrs. Pauline

Jesty, ” Treebound,I ‘pt on Pooh.. Dorset. * * * The N. London E.C.C. Committee comprises G. Bailee, W. G. Render, C. H. yeod, A. C. Hobbs, C. G. Meisl, F. E. Owen, I. C. Wilson, A. Word and F. D. Yiend. The Club has its Jacobean Trophy Trial on February 25th in Hert

fordshire. Hon. Sec. C. 1 7, Queen’s Avenue, London, N.10. For the W. Hunts and Dorset C.C. Hartwell Cup Trial on February 18th an attempt will be made to reduce the advantage usually gained by trials specials. For many years this annual event in the Club’s calendar has been a medium distance trial in the old style, designed for the normal sports cur to succeed, not so difficult that a well-driven saloon cannot do well . . . and by the same token a walkover for a modern trials special. This year, the folloWing scheme; devised by J. B. Jesty, will be tried :— A plus system of marking will be used, that is to itret2g,the object will be to gain markt; not to avoid

them. Before the start each car will be weighed on a

weighbridge, first the front wheels then the back, and the percentage weight distribution calculated.

At the end of the trial the number of marks gained will be multiplied hy the percentage of weight 011 the front wheels and the result divided by the percentage on the rear wheels. Two examples are given. Car’ A.” Marks gained 100. Weight distribution

40 per cent. front, 80 per Cent. rear.

100 x 40 marks. Car ” B.” Marks g• ained 30. Weight distribution

65 per cent. front, 45 per mut. rear.

80 x 55= 97.7 marks.

The Vintage S.C.C. has introduced Vintage Light Car Section for full. memhers owning cars which come within the Club’s accepted age limit, do not exceed an engine capacity. of 1,500 c.c.,. do not develop more than 30 b.h.p., and which are not sports models. A small committee is being formed to .administer the new section under the Chairmanship of the Editor of MOTOR SPORT and with Jeddere Fisher as Hon. Secretary. A number of special prizes will be pat up for vintage light car events and social and Other gatherings will be held. The early small car has a charm of its own and has long been championed by Mount SPORT; we hope the V.S.C.C. will, in time, be able to revive some of the traditional competitions in which such cars competed when striving for popularity on the threshold of their heyday, such as the London-Exeter, J.C.C. High Efficiency and Welsh Six Days Trials, etc. When, about the year 1927, the idea of an annual Brighton Run for veteran ears WRS mooted by a daily newspaper, enthusiasts, who numbered amongst them many well-known racing drivel*, had much fun searching for suitable vehicles, often locating them in the most unlikely places and obtaining them for surprisingly modest sums. There followed weeks of entertainment devoted to -finding out how the ” discovery ” worked and ill restoring it to running order. Although sufficient people have already rebuilt examples of early ‘small cars, and others are in process of doing so, to ensure intimediate success of this new section of the V:S.C.C. it is to be hoped that, as in the beginning of the veteran car movement., further suitable vehicles will la: unearthed in similarly happy circumstances. In this respect. although the V.S.C.C. proposes to admit light ears made tip to the end of 1930, perhaps we may venture the purely personal view that those who wish to motor in the best tradition of Ilte early small car era should appear in vehicles tRatiQ prior to 1925, and that in any (‘Ist. I truly representative members ‘,foetid endeavour to acquire pre-liPAX


The Hon. Sec. of the newly-formed section is a staunch champion of tlu: 11.9 Lagonda and the Chairmini has a recently acquired 1926 10.8 (13-1,0.

The 500 Club has become a limited company and has, alas, had in consequence to re-name itself the Half-Litre Club. Its first race meeting this year will be at Brands Hatch on April 28th. * * *

The Members’ Goodwood Meetings at which the MOTOR SPORT Brooldands Memorial Trophy, at present held by J. C. C. Mayers, will be contested, will take place this year on April 14th, June. 16th and August 18th. * * The dates of this year’s Clubmen’s Silverstone race meetings are :—

May 20th : Maidstone and Mid-Kent M.C. May list vintage s.c.c. (provisional)* June 2nd : Eight Clubs

9th : Vintage S.C.C. „

10th: Bugatti 0.C. July2013k.:

‘, 28th: Aston-martin 0.0.

Aug. 11th: MC. 0.0.’

., 25th: 750 KC.

Sept. tat: S.U.N.B.A.C. „ 8th: •

Closed event. Another,: closed invitation. * * *

The 1951 R.A.C. Hill-Climb Championship will be contested at Shelsley Walsh, Prescott, Bo’ness, Rest and Be Thankful, Milky Bay and Craigantlet, as before, but this time Marks will be based on the pLacings of all competitors and Championship contestants will nominate their best climbs at four venues. No Championship entry fee will be charged and drivers may change cars during the season. * * *

The Blackburn Welfare M.C. is. holding a Festival of Britain race meeting at Brought on March 24th and will include a -25-mile. 500,e.e. car race. * * * Don’t forget these film shows : at Ilainntersmith on February 13th (`1% NV. (‘arson, Mellaha, KeropshOtt, Hants.), lerts County A. and A.C. at “Red Lica).II: afield, on February 20t (tiekets 2s. tht. to non-members, front I.. G. Holland. The Studio, Tohners, Hertford), Ctunlierland S.C.C. at Via& tet. Hotel, Carlisle, at. 7.3n p.m, on February 14th (C. NV A Slaier, Sc’: leby Hall, Carlisl(‘), N.L.E.C.C. at •-Illaek Bull,” Whetstone, On tel oatary 22nd with Shell anti Dunlop films and Sport. 1950 show by c.c:.%Vakelield arid Co.. 1.3don February rt * *

The Guernsey M.C. and C.C. plans to run its annu:d speed ltill.chiinh and Sand races again this SollSOTI.