Reports of Recent Events, February 1951


Reports of Recent Events

M.G.C.C. (S.W. Centre) KIMBER TROPHY TRIAL (December 26th).

The traditional Boxing Day Kimber Trophy Trial of the M.G.C.C.’s South NVest Centre was energetically run off in the North Mendip area. Twenty-four starters assembled at the ” Mile Three ” Road House, noisiest the V-twin Bartlett (a 12-volt battery to keep the front end down ?), brightest, Cuff’s latest flashing

red edition of ” Hammers ” and a bevy of “‘F” M.G.s. The night’s sharp frost did not prevent a good trial, won outright without special test results by Gilbert Best (M.G. ” P13,” blown, shortened, brightened and suitably wrung out).

Proceedings started gently and it all began to look too easy. Elwell failed three ; Chicken Run with its muddy ford for a take-off caught but one, the only ” TD,” while Ubley Warren took four to task. Then the fun started ; Stoney Lane I stopped 10, mostly in its third and last section where mud gave way to shelves of rocky outcrop. The two Robros of H. E. and R. S. Robert’s made it well. Nicholl put his big V8 Ford into a dashing broadside to take-off and made a tine recovery and Miss Holden won a deserving dap for persuading her ” TC ” into section three. Stoney Lane II belied its name with seas of mud moistened by dripping trees and was in no mood to let ears by ; it stopped all comers. Next a timed climb of Outlands as a tie-decider proved Best (12 see.) and Nieholl (12.8 sec.) the fastest. So to Timber Track, surely a 1 in 2 job ? A six-section short, ” try your strength ” type with a loosened earth surface. Three of the elite got into section 4 : 1). Bottom (Dellow) Nichol! (Ford V8), cum (” Hell’s Hammers ” 1,172-e.e.), and, contrary to expectation, Onslow Bartlett did not have to leatt back on a tail skid ! Lastly Goblin Coombe in vicious form, its cropped grass half frozen, seemed unbeatable till Nieholl astounded critics by romping to the top, all laps turned full on. Not till near the end Was it reeonquered when Ilest, repeated this tine perforinance. No others finished even section 1, not even Bartlett after five tries and a flying start.. So to ” Mile Three ” for a timed garage test, tied between II. E. Roberta and Cuff at 12 see., cooked tea, and within

the hour, provisional results.

EimnEs TitoPay : 0, W. Best (M.G. ” 1’11” SPENCER CUP (opposite class): W. C. Cull (1.(7Z-c.c. Cull Special).

WELCH Cur (Beet MA.): D. 0. Bishop (MG.” 111″ sic. standard). Finsr.t1tAss AWARDS : C. R. L. Nicholl (Ford Ve Speelal), D. onstow Bartlett (Bartlett

B. Fitzwater (Riley Special), It. S. Roberts (Itobros).

StIoosir-Ut.srIa A Wanos :Hinder (SATS.), I.. .1. Tolman (Belay), F. P. Radford (Radford). J. T. Sparc (whitmord), tneuotri, m, Seward (Meakin (‘ross).

THE 27th M.C.C. EXETER TRIAL (December 29th). ” ” The ” Exeter ” returned to its old Status with night sections amt. run thus, there is nothing that quite compares with the M.C.C. Classics. so at organised

by that lovable and unruffled character ” Jackie ” Masters, who is to be congratulated on having recently ebinpleted 25 years as Secretaiy of the Motor Cycling Club.

The popularity of the ” Exeter ” is reflected in IAD entry of 250 for the 1950 event, of which 173 were ears or eyelecars. The 150-mile road-section to Exeter had to be covered at 20 m.p.h. average, and after breakfast another 150 miles, embracing six observed sections, including Fingle Bridge without which no ” Exeter ” would seem the same, had to be covereda quarter of the recent M.C.C. Rally mileage crammed into a night and day, which is perhaps why 34 ears retired.

At one time the “Exeter,” coming soon after the Show, was a popular means of displaying the capabilities Of new models. In the 19.50 event the two Morgan Plus-Fours of Peter Morgan and W. Gtiodall alone followed this tradition and created a very good impression. It was good to see many sports ears competing that. cannot, match the ” specials ” in other trial* -Morgan 4/4s, Healey “Silver:stones,” Jaguar 100, Singer, 3-litre Bentley, ” 2.3 ” Alfa-Romeo, LeaFrancis, etc. All manner of ordinary ears, too, try the ” Exeter,” such as Javelin, Austin A40, Sunbeam-Talbot, Vanguard, Ford Anglia, Vauxhall, and many inure, and OW., surely, is no bad thing. R. 11. Lambert ran his 1930 Standard Nine saloon which got through the 1,000 Mile Rally on time and two genuine eyelecars essayed the run. The three-wheeler entry comprised three Morgans and a Reliant and five drivers relied out Austin Sevens of various kinds, although the smallest car running was 11. W. Loughborough’s standard FIAT 500. Five lady drivers competed, amongst whom Miss H. NI. Holden particularly shone, nor must we overlook the men who weta through on 123-e.e. motor-cycles.

The night run was line, although there was some ice on the roads and the verges were snow-lined. Later, sleet and heavy rain fell. Fin& Bridge was comparatively easy, Stonelands very difficult due to a thaw, :so that it was deleted as delays piled up, the dreaded Simms was tricky on account, of the rain, likewise higher Rill and Harem-Me, the Ssiene of a trying reabirt with a 3 see. time-limit, but Meerhay, taken in a deluge, easy, although is travelling nutrshal cal isisl is small baulk by stopping on all ice-patch below t he observed section. Thereafter there was ii rather long run lc.) the finish at the Grand Hotel, Bournemouth, where it WRS pit:41801a to Mid ” Jackie ” and his wife waiting to sign off the weary competitors. The 1950 ” Exeter ” was an unqualified suecess, and augurs well for the ” Land’s End.” which will be held on March 23rd

24th. Tus Fitisr.n.Ass AN

“”wi”Emw,”, E. D. scotiey pollcm(sk Dellow), A. L.Cleird WC Ford), J. II. Radhourne (MAL), l’. Scott (RIM), 1.1. ti. Morgan (Morgan Pins Four)

NIAVA °Nall .• “). V• S. Draw” II, LO.), I. H. 1.””teh (Fneser-Nigail, ti, 1‘1. dell 1 Dellow), F. E. Wall (efe Dellow), C. P. Nichols (ihdlow), It. It. Jcely (Hillman Minx), A. E. Frost (A. I’S.), 11. 11. Alderton (Maythorpe),. C. F. (‘romhy sic Vauxhall Special), 0, I. Hanroc1(. 0,11owl. Il. B. 0. 3pps at.a.0.), 0. S. (‘rice (Dcllowl, 0, clam (Clayton Special), NV. F. Mead (s,fr if. 11. Brown (sic Dellow), It. 0. Clark (All.W.1), NV. A. Walterei (11.n.W.), J. IL Barrow (Vauxhall), J. IL it. Barrow (Barrow Special), A. C. 11. Pa:don-Cooper (Allard), C. E. 0. Nichnll (Ford), B. 11. Smith (A.K.Ni,),, K. Borloms (sjc Burgess-Allard), NV. IL Mitring (We Dillow), J. G. Mece (Ford Anglia), B. 11. Davies (Lea Francis), A. 1,. S. Denyer (Lea-Francis), 0. N. Samson (“‘IC ” M.G.), A. 1.1. Wills Mellow), 11, 11. Does (sic Dellow), D. H. Sleep (iric Dellow),

(M.0.), A. E. A. Day (a/c [(allow), Mrs. Mitchell (R.R.1.1.), 11. Brandon (Cooper), M. C. Parrott (ibudder).

osu.mmts Tama PRIZE: A. U. Wills, 11. R. Dees, Steep Wallows).

MIXED•CAR ‘ESAU PRIZE: J. U. Leigh.(Frazer-Naeb), U. M. 0rindall (Iellow), F. E. Wall (sic Dellow).


CRAPPELI. dun’: U. E, Roberts (Robron).

Finer-CLASS AWARDS Beot orchard ( I )ellow).

Sv.coxo.Ciass AWARDS P. Bedford (ausitord). J. thinly:Ant Mitra(ord), j. Readings (Re-gent).


The Bacon Trophy Trial was run over a semi-sporting course on Sunday, January 14th, and attracted an entry of eighteen ears, ranging from is Standard Twelve saloon to out-and-ont specials.

The route included a timed hill-climb, and three observed sections, all of which proVed fairly easy, although the mud at Srneeton Two proved too much for a few competitors. Result’s :

BACON TROPHY AND REPLIDA : 11. 11 Mayes (Mayes Special).

F1RSTA.1.ASS AWARDS : Ivor Wtlltaini, (Dellow) and Kell Law ,(Singer).

SECOND-CLASS A WARDS : i0511 Robt (singer) and A. B. Creasey (Special). .•••••••?••••