
FOR SALE 192Q rt. Dem ley. Excellent mechanic:III

New Sports 1-seater body, 101,11 chromium. AVanted. 1926-1928 ‘• Blue Lab,'” saloon. !lox No. 157, MOTOR SPORT, 15. 1’it y E.C.1. ArsTIN iiht Seven tour-door saloon, „fitly. 1938. Coarto?tak and merhanically 1110 per r1`111. 24.11011 miles. New battery. five perfect ‘Michelin

” Stott ” t Ilas been $101111. ()tiered b? original own”r for t:165. F. T. Whitehouse, Kenilworth 1Vorks. ‘Phone 1:ettitworth 335. 10/1 peed-Six tient ley ellassis. complete with all instruments, front seats. %vows, running boards and lamps. ‘1•witt S.C.s, 9 sound tyres. Excellent conditioti throttgliont. Could he dri% en

away. 4:12(I. Webb. sa, NN’arwirk Itoad. • pholil. 775.

ilat ENT LEN 3-111 re ‘• Itt tl Label ” requires repails. also Astt.11-11art iiichassis, less engine. 12() (;• Brown. St. At.)ts Road. Great Dirmingbant. “I I,1sIN minx. itms. 11.11011 iii11.•!,„

running condition. t:35(l, or nearest title]. ‘Hattie 11()1,. 2508. 1 . 1 () /-1.r 4-carburetter tutstits Ital.,. d AxonIt iley , 115 m.p.h., elect roll :1 le casing, 1 spare wheels. Car and history »Vail:11,1c foi scrutiny by appointment. Kappe,y, 241, Tet retinal! Road, NVolverhanatif GRA H. N1 I: I I K offers cent tie supercharger, complete wit li all fittings for 1″-Type N1.11., sell or exchange : small Roots tYPc for

759-t..e. Marshall or Villiers bite,ver preferred. Heal Itside Road. Norxvich. ‘Phone Norwich :t3141. MONONIAltK Service. Permanent London address. Letters redirected. Conthiential. 5s. p.a. Royal pat voltage. Write Bill/NIONO6V,W.C.1

re Huntley, perfect thninghout..many speeial features, private sale. Full details on request.

SCCIL 1:ifIlling1111111 area. Box ICO, 31t in ui S et utT. I. City Road. ipt ENTI,EY. chassis for disposal, comprising 9 ft. A”.. 9 ht. wheelbase frame, lilted -1!. engine, axles. ottliatot and bulkhead. The rOgille is 111AVIY 1.1.1)11lit :11111 has had the compression ratio raised. .11 springs have been reset. 111111 brakt. 1•011 jOillts refitted. Itewired thrtaighotit. V DP rings and ttictiuittt boards. 25-galion tank. Good tyres. The 2-m mei body, which requires lilting. Is iiliishscl. DeCe:ISC of mviter reason for sale. Priee t:175. The Hazel Motor Co., 183a. London Road, Hazel (rove, Cites,

P EC N IOUS ent husiast like meet similar. A sharing garage. experience, etatipattionship. Das petrol allowance. V.1′. llunt. 112. Sussex Gardens. W.2. F1)11 Bentley BM 18titi camshaft. King

Dills ?11141 shavkle bolts and hushes, neral spares. Wellington, litirrwood, Wrecelesha tn. Surrey.

C 111 genuinelyexceptional 1939 Rtulge Ulster. 01.0•JIY Mechanical condition better than new. Will out-perform :lily ” 500 ” costing double. Superb roadholding and brakes. Demonist ration Gloucestershire, Cnsilitable beginner. On m.p.h., 611 iti.n.g. SO src ’51 shin. 1942. Matlock, 3. Vann:an:4h rivset911, Harrogate. GEN I’INE •J’arga-Florlo 3-lit n. Alfa-Itonwo

‘1/4-0 LSS, eontplete but needs overland, f,40. Also 1931 Norton 19-11 so,lo motor-cycle, tow tyres, good order. Ex litare Guard. i:Ll. Mrs. Peter Clark, Hither Coppiee, H titl tutu Common, Iterkhamsted, Herts. —.._–_ _ ACONI/A e2-litre pred 111010, Vali de Pins tourer. nw hood atilt side sereens, engine. completely overhauled by Lagontia Distributors. t win Zenith carlotretters. Late property of itaN al engineer. Cnique opportunity to obtain a carefully used vintage car. t:175. Evans tt

, Ltd.. ” The Sports Car People,” :Ill, (lreat l’tat In nd Street, V, I. ‘Name Museum 2191. Evenings. Paddington s793.

FOR SALE-continued

Molt It is lIP li.p. for sale. 9,236 wilcage to date. Original tyres and battery. registration date 191025, number ON 573, mechanic:111Y Perreett.:25 or offer. Sheppard. East If wen I /rive, St rat fordonA Vs ill.

VOR. Sah., 18-in. !Mettle’s spring steering wheel. 5s : Jaeger 1110-11t.p.h.speetiomenT,

Ills, (111. Stapp:Int, East Green Drive. St rat fordon-A %lin.

T-‘1.110T 21 11.11. for sale. Itetittircs attention to wiring and carburetter. Also new hood. Offers near t1:10. Itox Sn, 191, .Nltrrott SPtitcr. 15. City E.C.I. M 119:Is) 10-1,41, sports green 2-seater in first . V011111.11011 Wit 11 1`XCP111.11t ‘lyres. Best offer over £325 secures. 11.1.4•ol. Ittickland. 58, Watergate Street. (‘hester. (Tel. No. Chester 3)141.)

INTERN.kTIONAL Norton 350-e.c., late 19:is, perfect ronilitimi, tyres excellent, no lighting. Price 4:105, or near otter. .1. Lawretwe. 841, Gt. vest Road, osterley. M licsex. A 1,1,A It I) Syccial for sale. The latest, best and 1:11. fastest of these cars is offeret I in perfect con(Ii tion. *Alill’age 1111111`f 5.1)1111. tally special inechani eat feat lireS and .1/n/Shel/ I» 1 ‘one/airs st ylt.. Holtit IS of sports car records at Prescott and Wettit.rby. A certain whiner of -trials and stwed events in post -war competitions,. and a perfeet road

car, fully equipped. Ilutehison, Vale House, Frenshant Vale, 1.0ver Bonnie. SurreY. Fii()NT and rear hubs with knocli-on 41111:i and five 1.75 by IS wire velwels. Special (lose ratio gearbox pinions. Two brake drums. complete different 181 with -1.9 to 1 and 4.3 to I erown ‘viteels and Onions and axle shafts. Hydraulic stt (Ting damper, pro shalt, steering collo:in, poll and pusli bar and

I lack nal.all its exeollett1 emulit Wolseley florin t Special. Offers, Sir .1. II. 1Valker, Bart.. Itingdale Manor. Faringtion, Itorks. WANTED

SSPORTS CARS. T. eft T. interested in purchase of good sports cars. Thomson ctz Taylor (Brooklands) Ltd., Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey.

WANTED, Big-Port Alvis, close-ratio box, 100 per cent. mechanical rotolit it essential. Bodywork immaterial. Top Kiev offered. Chiddingfold 17, Sorrey.

ur A N’I’El I. MOTOR SPORT, Sept.. 1939 to Sept., 1944. Earlier ropies also desired. State price. Nlajor Clitf-McCulloeh, St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington. M ” I’ (luts.sis frame, set + 1130 pistons, 1″.•`—‘ • Lueax rear dampers, pair 11.5. A. front springs. Meyrowitz goggles wanted for,” ” 2-str. N.S. rear wi»g. Instrortioit Book, 1, Hope ‘inuts. Knebwort It, 11.1,11S,

Loffered for F.ord VS.,.22 Ii. p. Body not needed. 1.41Y III11118111131. Malloek, 3, Pannatash Cresectit, Harrogate.

R1LEY Nine Mark IV open 4-seater, any condition. -t% Give full It:Intent:as, Musson. -I, St. Bernard:4 l•rescent • Edinburgh. Tl’E 14)11″wi”g are urgently required : lir(a)1,-/mals (:tretle, V (pl. I, N?$S. 1.1;, 8 and 10 NI (croft SNUG’. Vol, 2, Nos. I. 2. 8, 9. I 1 anti 12 ; Vol. 3. Nos. 2.3. 10 and 12 : Viii. 4, Nits. 7. 5. 9, 111, ii and 12 : Vols. 5

and 9, All ripples, Spred, V4)1. I. NO. Ill, 1936, Vill give good pricy for complete vols. Condition must be fairly good. Itaylet. Crossways. Platt. Itorsatglt Green, Kent.

V7.1NTED. .11vis Speed Twenty, early moth 1. preferably salt tt ut, wit 11 or without engine.

Early Austin Se SIII01111. W.B., 123, I’dlton Lane. Harrogate. Yorks.