

In reply to your footnote to my letter in the January issue of MOTOR SPORT, the T-type in question was tested at the Aston-Martin works on the invitation of Mr. R. G. Sutherland, of Aston-Martin’s, whose kind invitation Mr. Tlitirs byPelham accepted.

But even so, the very fact that the M.G. in question ” held ” a Humber Super Snipe—maximum 90-92 m.p.h.— travelling flat out, should be sufficient proof to any reasonable person that the M.G. was capable of far more than the 75-80 m.p.h. mentioned by the Editor and others.

As regards the tuning of the Midget, it Was made perfectly clear by Mr. Thursby-Pelham in his article in the A utocar of April 11th, 1941, that his car was “tuned for speed rather than economy,” to quote the author. I admit it must be pretty galling to the anti-British, anti-modern, and anti-buzzbox people to have to admit that a 10h.p. car can top the 90 mark.

Jarvis & Sons, Ltd., from whom the car was purchased, used it as a demonstration model before selling it to Mr. ThurSbyPelham. I am, Yours, etc.,

“Two-POINT-Six.” [Apparently it hasn’t occurred to ” Two-Point-Six ” that the Ifumber probably also had a magic speedometer. If the M.G. did over 90 m.p.h., Mr. Sutherland, to the best of our knowledge, never confirmed it.—En.]