


Perhaps you would be interested in my specification of a ” special ” which I hope to construct “when it’s over.” I have at home a very fine Anzani-engined 1927 A.J.W. motorcycle and I hope to take the engine out and put it into a light sports chassis—probably an old M.G. Midget. With regard to lightness and the difficulty of fitting a clutch to the existing engine I propose to use a Wilson box without any clutch. This, of course, is only theory and may not work very well in practice, though I believe certain E.R.A.s were so fitted. Unfortunately, I cannot give any details of the engine except, that it is a V-twin of 990 c.e. o.h.v. with magneto ignition. Perhaps some Of your readers may be able to enlighten me with regard to higher compression ratio and r.p.m., b.h.p., etc. My complete ignorance concerning it arises from the fact that I came abroad two days after rescuing the machine from a breaker’s yard I The above ” special ” should lend itself readily to conversion to a 500-c.c. ” (lass T,” if ever the opportunity for such trials comes along. I am, Yours, etc., A. S. DUNNING (SigM.). By Air Mail,

H.M. Forces.