


Can you give me any information, as to type, etc., of a Bugatti, chassis No. 2223, engine No. 017, first registered May 6th, 1925, which I owned a few years ago ? I was very ” green ” in those days and left it lying in a field near Prudhoe, Northumberland, whence it was stolen ! The performance was such that it beat a Singer “Le Mans” I had, both for aCceleration and top speed.

Despite Marcus Chambers’s scathing remarks, I think a Ford V8 engine in a Bugatti chassis is an excellent combination, and I intend to mate my twinsupercharged V8 unit to a Bugatti chassis as soon as Hitler permits. I think Lieut. Whalley’s ” T.B.” M.G. must have been exceptional to beat a

Lancia ” Aprilia ” easily on acceleration, as my S.S. 100 had a battle to race an ” Aprilia ” from Anglesey to Birkenhead one summer before the, war. Nobody seems to like S.S. 1008, but I think they are exceptional for the money ; mine is at present laid up. Its a2i-lit re, was once timed at 102 m.p.h. for one mile, did 36 secs. for the hall-mile at Wetherhy, .17 sees. for the s.s. quarter at West. Hartlepool in 1939, averwTd no m.p.h. for 100 miles down the Great North Road from Newcastle, and hasn’t been rebored in 31,000 miles.

And yet I never read of an S.S. when British sports cars are discussed. Why ? Good luck for 1914. I am, Yours, etc.,

I). 0. Pivrram:,ox Liverpool.