

Mr. K. W. Campbell queries my statement that it is not necessary to alter the transmission line when fitting flat springs to the rear of a standard Austin Seven.

My reply is contained in the first paragraph of my article, namely, that I have done it, not once, but three times, to 1927, 1931, and 1933 chassis.

Whether this practice is desirable or not is a debatable point, and admittedly all the production Austin,s with flat springs used a raised transmission line (see para. 7 of my article). My own opinion is that any slight angularity which there may be at the rear universal joint has a negligible effect on performance, and in any case is less than that on, say, a standard “Chummy.” The purist can emulate the designer as Mr. Campbell has done, or can use Austin parts as I have done on my present


My reference to the 1929-’80-31 starter should read 1930-31-’32. I am, Yours, etc.,

A. M. It. MALLOCX (F/0.).
