Club News, February 1944



Denys Axel-Berg has recently acquired an excellent” Red Label “3-litre Bentley, which he is having restored by the Imperial Garage, Lyndhurst, where a very early Panhard keeps it company. H. has a 1926 ” 14/40″ DIS. Delage with a very .sound engine, which he would dispose of for about £50, or would exchange for anything of equivalent appeal. He reports a ” 19/100″ Austro-Daimler, short-chassis 8th Series Lancia “Lambda,” an An ‘still Frazer-Nash, a 3-litre Sunbeam, a 7-11.p. Alldays and Onions, and a 2-litre O.M. at nongSt vintage machinery which he has seen ex posed to the elements within the last kw years, in fields, barns and breakers’ yards in various parts of southern England. John Haining, who has recently returned from the Far East, and has been discharged from the Army on account of ill-health, plans to make something Of a speciality of ” 12/50 ” and ” 12/60 ” Alvis cars and spares. He has two ” 12/50s ” at present and will be glad to hear from Alvis owners, and to buy ears and parts. Later, he hopes to save other vintage types from destruction. Meanwhile, his workshops can undertake a limited amount of rebuilding and overhaul jobs for enthusiasts, the drawing office is at any vintagent’s disposal, and estimates can be given for any type of casting in brass or cast-iron. The address is Winbolds Trafford, near Chester ; fickle Teaffsrd 4 0. Hainiag mentions that at ()lie time his regiment numbered I 2/50 ” Alvis, an 8-litre Bentley, a 4 -litre Bentley, two 3-litre Bentleys a 30/98 ” Vauxhall and an M-type

Nlidget amongst 17 officers. These cars are all laid up now and their owners scattered far and wide. However, laid up in his own district are a 1927 3-litre Bentley and a 1925 ” 30/98 ” Vauxhall, bah of whose original owners have just returned from the Middle East, and, in use, a 1994 “duck’s back” ” 12/50 ” Alvis, also with the original owner.

Capt. John Moon is another who has come back safely from the Middle East, and he has been using his Austin Seven ” Nippy ” on leave petrol. An immaculate red-and-black Lancia ” Lambda ” baker’s van has been seen in a remote village in Scotland. Peter Whitehead and John Gordon are serving in the Middle East.. F. R. Dickinson, “EastWood,” Chester Road, Poynton, Cheshire, seeks advice on installing a ” K.N. ” Magnetteengine in a 1935 L-type M.G. Magna coupe, and also needsMagnette spares. 3. Watten closed down his motor business in 1939 to concentrate on war production. He still gets very good service from his hard-used and littleserviced 1934 3-litre Hotchkiss .saloon. Ashwood, having disposed of his LeaFrancis and acquired an Alta, has now decided on another change of plan and has purchased, from D. R. Taylor, an

open 3-litre Bentley, while Taylor is hoping one day to rebuild his 1924 ” Le Mans” 3-litre Bentley, which was for many years Bentley’s service lorry. Harold Pratley has at last acquired the immortal 350-h.p. V12 Sunbeam with which Campbell reached a speed of over 150 m.p.h. in 1925. Rowland. of l3yfleet, has kindly given a 3-litre Bentley instruction book to the MOTOR SPORT library.

A. F. Ashby is with the Ministry of Supply and is selling his tootiaposto modified Alfa-Romeo. Peacock is rebuilding his Alvis-engined G.N. Special and has recently bought a ” 12/50 ” Alvis tourer, for which he seeks an engine. H. T. H. Clayton, whose Amilcar Six lapped Brooklands at 123 m.p.h. before the war, is these days concerned with the restoration of worn-out Army vehicles for the battle front. Peter Whalley, still in India, reports meeting only two enthusiasts in eighteen months—one a Scott fan, the other an American midget car driver—and seeing only two real cars, a Van den Pins 3-litre Bentley and a 1)8.120 Delage on which a potentate had changed into 1st at 90 m.p.h. to the detriment of the Cotal box. L./A.C. Bawden, R.A.F., writing from Canada, says he has met a Mr. Murphy, of Chicago, who recently inspected a French Talbot and who is hot on the trail of a 3.3-litre Bugatti, being “really determined to get hold of a hot-stuff motor.” Bawden earnestly seeks a D-type gearbox for the special 41-litre Bentley owned by his brother and himself. Replies to the former at 23. Greenleaf Road, E.17 (Larkswood 1805). F/0. Paul Phillips is running a 1929-30 Riley Nine ” Brooklands ” with four S.U. carburetters, but seeks something more spacious. He remarks that of 16 ears in 124 Squadron the only one resembling a sports car is an Australian sgt./pilot’s 1933 Hornet-Special. However, “MOTOR SPORT is avidly read and half the lads want a real car now.” 12-h.p. ears under £60 should meet the bill, he says, while a Centric supercharger is wanted by a pilot friend for a 1.935 Lagonda “Rapier.” R. G. J. Nash, still up in Scotland, has found, and saved, an 1896 4A-h.p. M.M.C. wagonette, which is in original and excellent condition, having had one owner since new. This was actually the car made in Germany by Daimler RS the prototype M.M.C., and it has tube ignition. Hugh Palmer, of the Scuderia Chemvamo, has part-exchanged his L-type M.G. Magna with Ian Metcalfe for a “Red Label” 3-litre Bentley, which he then drove up north to his R.A.F. station. This S-euderia continues to issue its private news-letter, an excellent scheme, and its sponsor recently visited Parnell’s stable, where he saw the Bira ” 11-litre Delage, the Wakefield E.R.A., Dobson!s Riley, the Reuseh 3.8-litre Alfa-Romeo„ a Dixon 1f-litre long-tailed Riley,. the old,

red 1,100-c.c. Dixon Riley, the ex-Wilson 1,100-e.e. E.R.A., Percy Maelure’s i.f.s. Riley, and the Challenge ; also the exSeaman black Deluge, although we always thought this and the ” Bira ” i.f.s. car to be one and the same. Surely someone should preserve Dick’s car for posterity, racing it until its days of victory are over ?

Anthony Phelps has left A.T.A. and is now a test pilot with the Lockheed Corporation in this country.

750 CLUB

The January meeting was unannounced and only Capon, BirKett, F/0. Mallock and Mrs. Mallock attended. The Secretary appears to be too busy to issue a ” Bulletin ” or arrange further meetings, and a committee meeting should be called to decide the club’s immediate future. 1Vith excellent, regular enthusiasts’ meetings in the North, the Midlands and the West, it will be a thousand pities if Southerners are deprived of the 750 Club gatherings, which, since ” Osterley ‘days, have been so well supported and enjoyable. At all events, we hope this live little club for the impecunious, suggested by Boddy and launched by Phil iitinter, will survive the Nvar, and, perhaps, live to sponsor unblown 750-c.c. racing over real road circuits.


A contemporary, reporting an American dirt-track driver now in this country, describes midget car racing as ” this highly dangerous pastime,” and then goes on to say that normal midgets hit up about 90 m.p.h., and an Offenhauser has topped 150. • *


We understand that another motoring gathering is due to take place at the ‘ Rembrandt,” London, quite soon—the date selected being April 16th.


In December last the Junior Car Club held its 50th monthly war-time council meeting. Sir William Rootes was the guest of honour, and Major Bale took the chair. Other informal council meetings have been held, and it is hoped to announee a London social event, open to members, this spring. The Gazette, still published, has reached its 19th volume. The October-December issue contains news of J. E. Swainson, who, invalided out of the R.A.S.C., is now keenly interested in the plastics business ; P. G. M. Talbot, now a major, R.A., whose 8-litre Bentley is up on blocks; Leonard Sandford, now..a. P/0.,. and _many others. Hon. see. : H. J. Morgan, 14,. Lime Grove, Ruislip, Middlesex.


Those who have suffered the grave misfortune to lose a limb as a result of enemy action should note that the Disabled Drivers’ Motor Club exists to help ahd advise them. It is a long-established club, which once had its own members’ day at Brooklands. The hon. secretary’s address is 33, Rockingham Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex.


At Bristol 24 enthusiasts met for a Christmas dinner at the Grand Hotel, and another gathering, at the Full Moon Hotel, was scheduled for January 27th. Up in Yorkshire the Y.S.C.C. have had a dinner and film show in Bradford, and plan a meeting in Leeds, while the Midland Motoring Enthusiasts’ Club had a meeting on January 5th at which the officers and committee were re-elected for 1944, although the president, G. F. Cole, resigned on account of ill-health. The club was reported very sound financially, and it is hoped that Shorrocks, of Centric Superchargers, will give a talk at the ” Windsos.,” Birmingham, on February 2nd. Meanwhile, in the south, the 750 Club has ceased to issue its “Bulletin,” and appears likely to cancel future meetings. Now Men, Southerners


In “Rumblings” the Editor comments on some interesting correspondence. The last post opened before closing this issue for press included a note from A. WynnJones seeking help in converting his blower Bentley to Le Mans specification, a request from L/Cpl. Lambert, 14243495, 1, Davenport Road, S.E.6, for photographs for a small motor club run by his unit, and a letter from L/A.C. Bob Burgess, R.A.F., B.N.A.F., who saw two Type 57s at the local Bugatti service depot, where a mechanic produced photos of Wimille, Chiron and Sommer at Albi. He also saw a B.N.C., two M.G.s, and two F.W.D. Georges Irat, apparently with Ruby engines, amongst the modern French stuff. Cars are run on alcohol fuel which “seems to be made from grapes, rotten fruit and vegetables,” while a few motorcycles with pneumatic wheel-barrow wheels get around.

Then F/O. Andrew Lloyd, Malta, reports meeting John Lander, whose bedroom (” what a bedroom “) was littered with 2-litre Lagonda pieces ; Lander also made a 6” model of the 41-litre “Le Mans” Bentley he has stored in England—” the most perfect piece of craftsmanship I ever beheld.” From India Capt. Kenneth Richmond, R.A., who has Capt. B. W. Fursdon, of Rally fame, in his division, sends a long

and very Riley-conscious letter, which will form a future “Cars I Have Owned” contribution, while Capt. R. W. Marsden sends two negatives of the ” 2.6 ” AlfaRomeo mentioned in Capt. Green’s letter published last October. He bought the car in Asmara and got it to his home in India ; it is a 1933 car, said to have been third in the Mille Miglia, and which won the Asmara ” round-the-houses ” race, Christmas, 1939. Capt. Marsden is sending £2 as an appreciation of MOTOR SPORT, to be paid to “any one of your motoring charity funds “—a nice gesture. Another reader reports a 2-litre Lagonda engine at Grigg’s yard, Sheet, near Petersfield, which may help someone with spares, and a reply-paid cable from Australia requested carburetter settings for a Type 43 Bugatti.


The Editor wishes to thank the many well-wishers who sent him Christmas cards and New Year greetings.


This month’s cover picture shows Louis Gerard at speed on the Brooklands banking during the 1938 Dunlop Jubilee Meeting, with the 3-litre Delage with which he won the T.T. that year at 67.61 m.p.h.