Printed by Tee & Whiten and J. Mead, Ltd. 21, City Road, London, E.C.1, and Published by the Teesdale Publishing Co., Ltd., 21, City Road, London, E.C.1. Trade Agents for the United Kingdom : Horace Marshall & Son Ltd., Temple House, Tallis St., London, E


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Printed by Tee & Whiten and J. Mead, Ltd., 21, City Road London, E.C.1. and Published by the Teesdale Publishing Co., Ltd., 21, City Road, London, E.C.1. Trade Agents for the United Kingdom : Horace Marshall & Son Ltd., Temple House, Tallis St., ‘London, E.C.4. Agents for Australasia ; Gordon & Goteh (Australasia) Ltd.