Correction and apology


In the course of his article last month, Douglas Tubbs referred to a certain little side-valve sports which he found very unsatisfactory, and over the make of which, for obvious reasons, he drew a veil. Unfortunately, the remarks intended to apply to this car in the table with which Tubbs concluded his observations were, by a printer’s error, attributed to a 1933 M.G. The text made it obvious that the car could not have been an M.G. and most readers know that the M.G. Car Company, Ltd. did not list a s.v. model in 1933. Certainly M.G.s have never suffered boggy cornering, uncomfortable bodywork, poor coachwork and mechanical unreliability, as did the nameless car concerned. Further, Tubbs tells us his bad writing led to the handling of his 1931 M.G. Midget, which appeared one line above in the table, going down as “Poor for speed,” whereas he intended us to inform the world that it was “Good” in spite of Mr. Centric getting the maximum speed up to 83 m.p.h., or about 18 m.p.h. more than Abingdon intended. We offer our apologies to Mr. Kimber. In Clutton’s article the Moss was wrongly quoted as a Mars.