

We deeply regret to announce the death of Miss Amy Johnson, while on active service with Air Transport Auxiliary. World famous for her great light aeroplane flights, Amy Johnson turned to motoring events of recent years, driving a 4½-litre Bentley with McMinnies in the 1938 Monte Carlo Rally, a B.M.W. at Shelsley-Walsh, a Bentley in the R.A.C. Rally, and a Darracq in the Paris-St. Raphael of that year. Her modesty, zest for activity, and her resolute determination to see a difficult job through, set an example to British womanhood. She was drowned in the Thames, flying an Envoy in bad weather.

We regret to record the deaths of Donald T. Yates, the well-known motoring journalist and road-tester; A. W. Dougill, M.I.A.E., who was the first hon. sec. of the Yorkshire A.C. and organiser of early speed events; F. W. (“Pa”) Applebee, famous trials competitor on a Levis motor-cycle in pre1914 days, who rode in the 1922 T.T. at the age of sixty; Harry Vincent, of Vincents of Reading, who knew the fascination of Weybridge in the early days; and of Flying Officer L. S. Delaney, killed on active service, who used to assist C. T. Delaney, the well-known Lea-Francis exponent. The body of Meier, the German driver, is said to have been washed up on these shores.