

LARGEST SPECIALISTS IN LONDON New Light Rubber Mask Type, very wide vision lenses ‘ 12/6 High Speed Rubber Cups, curved safety lenses, adjustable bridge .. 29/6 High Speed Goggles, adjustable bridge, Flat Triplex lenses 21;Genuine Government Goggles as used by the R. Air Force, curved eye pieces, largest possible vision, special venti lators, including spare eye pieces 30/. Adjustable Bridge Racing Goggles, rubber cups, safety lenses 17/6 Do. small rubber cups, Triplex safety 14/6 lenses Featherweight Goggles, chenille edged, 7/6 aluminium frame, Triplex lenses 8/6 Featherweight Goggles to go over glasses Large Rubber Cup Goggles, Triplex lenses 10/6 All Luxor Goggles, No. 6, curved safety 85/ glass All Luxor Goggles, No. 6, curved “May45/

flex ” lenses . All Luxor Goggles, No. 4, small Triplex 40/ lenses All Luxor Goggles, No. 4, to prescription 75/All Luxor Goggles, No. 12, large vision 25/