

We have remarked previously on the difficulties that arise when a road-circuit is opened to members of the public. This was nicely emphasised by Mr. Percy Bradley in ” The Sphere ” last month, wherein he stated that he only once opened the Mountain circuit at Brooklands to ordinary drivers, and had in one day two hospital cases, whereas during his eight years as Clerk of the Course he has not experienced a single casuality amongst members of the general public using the outer-circuit. A rapid run round Brooklands is a great tonic, so this is cheering news. The difficulty of similarly opening a road-circuit lies not only in the funny things novice drivers do when trying to corner fast, but in the difficulty of observing an accident immediately it happens, for the prompt rendering of aid. Donington inner-circuit we believe is. Opened at times to manufacturers, but the Crystal Palace has never been open to

non-racing folk. Mr. Bradley’s experience would be even more interesting if backed by figures for annual usage of the Track on non-race days, but as takings at the gate are not sub-divided, such. statistics are impossible to come by.