


This year, people once again prophesied the Monte Carlo Rally would not be a success. and until the last entries were received it did rather look as if interest in this event was waning. The last min. ute entries however, proved this was all wrong, as 133 entries were finally received, a large increase on last year. This year

the Palermo, Tallinn, Athens, Bucarest, Umea, and Stavanger routes all carried 500 marks, while John o’Groats competitors were given 488 marks for their run.

Towards January 20th while most competitors were nearing, after no small difficulty, their various starting points.

And from the various starting points news was coining through of simply terrible weather conditions. From Stavanger down to Athens there seemed to be bad weather. And when all the various competitors did eventually reach Monte Carlo, the general opinion seemed to be that it was the hardest Rally ever run. Trouble was first met on the Stavanger route where severe snow and ice condit ons preva led from the start, so bad that of thirty starters eleven lost marks and two retired before reaching the first control at Kristiansand. After that conditions were still bad until Oslo was reached. Athens was once again the most arduous route, and after hearing that four teams had left the Greek capital, no news was received till the control at Salonika wired that no car had checked in, and the control was now closed. It transpired that the route was so snowbound that it was impossible to get through and there was not a possible alternative route to Salonika. So Athens starters once more failed to be in at the finish. All was going well, until news came through from Ljubljana in Czecho

Slovakia that now the Palermo cars were in serious difficulties.


Of twenty-two starters only three were in trouble at the Padua control, but between there and Llubl an.a, heavy snow, and worse, ice, was encountered so that five more lost marks on this stretch.

Of twenty-two starters, six only had not lost marks when they clocked in at Strasbourg, and fourteen had abandoned the Rally.

Umea, and Tallinn we expected, following the weather forecasts, to get into trouble, but these routes, as well as the Bucarest route all managed to keep to schedule, and very few marks were lost at all on these routes.

John o’Groats too had a fairly easy run, and only one starter lost any marks before Avignon.

Athens. Five entries, four starters. No arrivals. Athens : G. et P. Yannoulatos (Fiat); R. Terms

(Chrysler) ; Mlle. L. Pappos (Ford) ; Martinek (Fiat).

The Athens story is easily told, no starters even reaching Salonika, the first control, owing to very heavy snow falls.

Amsterdam. Fifteen entries, fifteen starters, fifteen arrivals. Three lost marks between Amsterdam and Avignon.

Amsterdam • J. Hohnans (Ford); J. F. C. Westerman (Ford) ;.A. Miyze-11. J. Stermerdink (D.K.W.); Baron F. J. J. van Heemstra (Fiat) ; H. P. Verkanunan van Keulen-G. Sillevis (Opel) ; C. A. Brugma-W. van Doom (Ford) ; Major I). E. M. Douglas Morris (human); Edin. Hertzberger-S. M. Hymans (Graham) ; Mlle. A. Van Vredenburdi-Countess Van Limburg Stirum (Ford) ; W. Van de Weerd (Bedford) ; J. G. Beurs (Mercedes-Benz) ; C. Schad° (Ford) ; J. C. S. Nvenbandring de Boer (Lincoln) ; J. W. A. Sardinian Wuytiers (Packard) ; Brig. F. B. Nord (Mercedes-Benz). This short route met with no real troubles, and only Major Douglas Morris, who lost time between .1.4yon. and

Avignon, and the two buses, who were late at D.jon and the following controls, lost any marks. Bucarest. Nine entries, six starters, five arrivals. One lost marks between Bucarest and Avignon. One retirement. Bucarest : V. Formanek-P. Steinberg (Acre);

V. Vojtechovsky-K. Zak (Arm); Mine. Stella Zagorna-A. Manirek (Chevrolet); F. WiesengrundE. Eovats (D.K.W.) ; Tug. B. Neamtu-Col. A. Berlesco (Ford) ; A. N. P. Ioanidi (Ford). This route had a comparatively trouble

free run, with no terrible weather conditions.

Vojtechovsky and Zak (Aero) were nine minutes late at the Frankfort control and a further nine minutes late at Brussels.

Weisengrund-Kovats (D.K.W.) were forced to retire at Sinaia owing to engine trouble.

John o’Groats. Seventeen entries, ffteen starters, fourteen arrivals. John o’Groats: T. G. W. Appleby (Talbot) ;

W. E. P. Miller (Ford) ; E. A. Denny-E. N. R. Hewitt (Riley) ; Miss D. Patten (British-Salmson) ; J. E. P. !Lowey (Bentley) ; Sir Windham E. F. CarmichaelAnstruther (Ford); T. S. Grimshaw (Crossley)’ Miss E. E. Parnell (Hillman) •, It. G. J. K Ingsmill (Ford) ; J. Harrop (S.S.) ; J. E. Bailin (Pontiac); A. J. &Howe), (5.S.) ; Miss V. M. Wilby (A rmst rongSiddeley) : A. B. Grant, Jnr.-D. M. Wilson (Triumph); 3. 1.. C. Wings (8.5.). Only one car lost marks between the

start and Avignon. One retirement. Again a comparatively trouble free run, and no very bad weather. Very heavy rain on the last stages, but only J. I • . Roteau (Pontiac lost any marks, being nine min.utes late at Toulouse, and after that losing three marks on arrival for a dented wing. Miller in a Ford was on time at Toulouse, but never checked in at Avignon, being repirted to have had an accident. Palermo. Twenty-nine entries, twentytwo starters, seven arrivals. Five only without loss of marks between Palermo.

and Avignon. Fifteen rPtirements. Palermo P. G. Cristea (Ford) ; I. Zanifirescon (Hotchkiss); R. Mare (Packard) ; A. Gordini-A. Alin (Sitrica Fiat)•, A. Molinari-Dory (81mca Flat); L. Villoresi (Fiat) ; T. hLarek-J. Jakubowski (Polak’. Fiat) ; F. Chevroton-Th. Mercier (Renault) ;

A. Wilhelm-B. Boszormenyi (Fiat); St. Swiadtk (Polski-Fiat); Max KIhike (13.M.W.); L. VieensM. Rousseau (Matford) ; Al. levy (Sinwa-liat) ; R. Girier-Mazalon (Matford); M. Gauthier (Simea Flat); G. Baehr F. 1.meot (Citroen) ; Dr..I. J. Sprenger Van Eijk (Lincoln); G. Zeehuisen-j. der Kinder( u (11.M.W.); 13. J. T. van der Hoek (PacktIrd); D. M. Healey (Triumph); Z. Pohl (Skoda); L. Nernes (Flat). Of twenty-two starters from Palermo, Nemes (baby Fiat) and Wilheim Boso,rnenyi were forced out befoe Naples, by mechanical trouble’s hile Marek-Jakubowski (Fiat) was already

fifty-eight minutes late. But the main body were going well and the crossing of the Pyrenes usually one of the stiffest tests of this itinerary gave no trouble. They all reached Padua without any further loss of marks, but from there on for the next 3,000 miles they had trouble. The first news of this was when Chevroton-Mercier (Renault) and Gii ier-M az alon (Matford) both returned to Padua, having met such severe icebound road.; that they decided to call it a day. Another car Levy (Simca-Fiat) although he did Pot actually turn back never reached I lubl aria, and five other competitors who were on time at Padua were all late, some over two hours late at Idublana. They then had to make for Vienna where eleven clocked in without loss of marks ; but on the other hand two more were forced to withdraw. Swadiek (Fiat) and Vickens-Rousseau (Matford).

Matters seem to improve a little on this stage between IdubLana and Vienna, but after Vienna the weather became worse again, and more cars had to give UP. the strain beginning to tell. At Munich, Mare (Packard) who till then had lost no marks was out Of the

Rally. Gordini (Fiat) was almost four hours behind schedule. Molinari and Derney (Simca Fiat) finally retired after being three hours late at Vienna. Marek and Jakubowski were now over two hours late. Gauthier (Simca-Fiat) after being 21 hours late at Vienna was forced out before reaching

Munich. Sprenger van Eijk (Lincoln) Up till then without loss of marks, was forced to abandon shortly after Vienna.

Zeehuisen and Van Kinderen (B.M.W.) lost nearly two hours between Vienna and Munich,while even that Rally veteran Donald Healy (Triumph) lost twentyfive minutes.

These figures just give some idea ol the appalling conditions this .group met With—surely no single stage in any previous Rally has caused such havoc. The roads were passable but only just.

Between Munich and Strasbourg conditions began to improve, but it was too much for some who had overcome previous difficulties, and so we had three further retirements.

Gordini-Alin (Fiat) who were so far behind tittle, gave up, Baehr-Lecot (Citroen) car began to give continuous trouble, and so they stopped. Donald Healy (Triumph) had car

mechanical trouble, was also forced to retire. Eight cars checked in at Dijon, of whom six were still without loss of marks. All those, except Max Klinke (B.M.W.) who when still without loss of marks was unlucky enough to be hit by a non-competing car near Mandelieu

Golf Club at Cannes, when only about thirty miles from Monte Carlo. Very bad luck indeed, to get through all these terrible weather and road conditions and then to have an accident so near the end.

The five to get through on this task without loss of marks were Cristea (Ford), Zamfirescu-Trevoux (H tchkiss), Villoresi (Fiat), Van der Ho.k (Packard), Pohl (SkOda). Tallinn. Six entries, six starters, five

arrivals. One retirement.

Tallinn Dr. IL. Billon-V. Joullie Duelos (Renault) A. Ph. van Strien (Ford) ; K. Siitan (Nash); A. P. Good (Lagonda) ; R. Carriere-J. Vial (Matford); Ch. Cordier (Buick).

The Tallinn entry was one which also had a c, mparatively easy run, and no marks were lost. At Pavis, CarriereVid (Matford) lost two minutes and :did not arrive at the Dijon control. Untea. Twenty entries, nineteen

starters, sixteen arrivals. Fifteen without loss of marks between Unica and Avignon. Mum : B. A. C. Cornelius (D.K.W.); A. C. Scott (11.R.G.); S. C. H. Davis (Wols10); L. Lattritken (Hudson Ter.); A. Erlanger (Citroen); Cl. Bakker Salmt-Mutsaerts (Lincoln); F. Habnit (Ford); W. I,. Innis (Riley); L. Borowik (Tatra) ; W. A. Me.Kenzie (Daimler): E. V. Hausgon (Ford) ; H. Imbert-j. Frampieville (Haw); Mrs. AL L. Vaughan-Miss Taylor (Starahrd); Miss C. BrusellCountess E. von Blixen-Fineeke (Ford) ; M. Gatsonides-c. L. sanders (Hillman); 1). H. Murray (Frazer-N:Ash); Mrs. Greta Molander (Plymouth) ;

N. (‘i. Faikenberg (Oldsmobile); B. de Neerguard (Morris).

This was another route, which seemed to bustle with trouble, but all seemed to get over it. and run to schedule without much difficulty.

All starters reached Copenhagen without loss of marks, but near the town, Mrs, Vaughan (Standard) had a slight accident, which did sufficient damage to the car to put it out of the Rally.

At Hambourg, Neergaard (Morris) was penalised for being forty-three minutes late, however, was the only loss of marks throughout this route except for McKenzie’s Concours de Comfort Daimler. At Hambourg this car was over three hours late, and from then on continued to lose marks right through to Monte Carlo.

Stavanger. Thirty-two entries, thirty starters, eighteen arrivals, of whom eleven had lost no marks to Avignon. Stavanger : Paul-D, Dauniel (Delahave); D. E. Harris-C. Morgan (MO.); Le BegueQuintin. (Delahaye); Mines. G. Roma-M. Rodrirme (Matford); M. Worms (1lotchkigs); J. Foch-Bousquet (Citroen); Ch. Labaye-R. Qua,t

resous (Renault); a L. Ormord (Pontiac) : G. Knutsen-T. Aas ((Ford); J. A. van Beeek Calkoen (Ford); 3. Nowak (Ford); J. Trcider-J. Monnieh johnsen ( Renault )2. J. W. Whalley (Ford) • S. SmithM. Satuigromal Hudson); M. Lesurfihr:L. Grand; va riot ( lingat t ) : P. Derarcalc-J. Seylai r (shwa Flat) M IL Richer Delavau-M. Ch. Richer Delavan (Daigo); Ph. I tos saN Mahe (Talbot); F. 1.5-; (Singer) ; I.. Schell-R. Dreyfus (Delahaye), Blues. V. Shone-U. Thibault (Matford); L. Rouxel t Peugeot ; C. Ilansberger ( Matford) ; J. B. VernetP. Prat (Shine: Fiat): B. Stoffel (Chrysler); R. ite01)14-T. he for ( Belch); L. Buiskool (Lincoln);

A. B. digoncht) ; Cl. Osjord-A. B. Idsoe (Hanomag); C. Burba (Ford).

This route proved to be the second stiffest of this year’s rally, but the main difficulties were confined to the first three stages and after the 0,..) ebourg control most competitors managed to keep to their schedules. The first lap to K i tiansand proved to be the undoing of nearly half the starters, who reached the control with loss of marks, and two cars, Hansberger (Matford) and Smith and Sandground (Hudson) were not able to arrive in time owing to the heavy snows on the road. Ormrod (Pontiac) Mmes. SymonThibault ( M a tford ) Rouxal (Peugeot) Vern et-Prat (Simea-Fiat) and Buiskoel (Lincoln) all of whom had lost points

by Ki istiansand were all out of the Rally by the second control at Oslo.

While both Whalley (Ford) and Stoeffel (Chrysler), two real rally experts, had lost marks between K istiansand and Oslo, they decided to retire, having lost all chance of doing really well in the Final Classification.

Barnes (Singer) and Depresle-Seylair (Sixnca-Fiat) and Dobcll (Lagonda) all lost marks again on the next stage to Gotebourg.

Dobell having smashed his sump at the very start, had to fill up periodically right from start to finish, losing tiine, and marks all along the route.

Schell-Dreyfus (Delahaye) lost six minutes trying to locate the control in Oslo, after having trouble on the road.

Nowak (Ford) abandoned near Venlo, and Lesurque and Grandvoulet did likewise just before Avignon. So of thirty starters only eleven reached Avignon with their full quota of marks.


The first tests actually were on the concluding stages of the Road Section from Avignon to Le Muy, a distance of 180 kilometres, all competitors having to average 31 to 37.5 m.p.h., while for the next 100 kilometres, that is from Le Muy to the final control at Monaco an exact speed of 50 k.p.h. had to be maintained.

That may not sound so exceedingly difficult, but taking into account the road to be traversed, including as it does the very tricky Esterel route, and when passing through such towns as Cannes, Antibes, Nice, and then going along the Corniche road to Monaco, with the normal heavy traffic on the math, it io a very difficult average to achieve.

To see that the exact average was maintained somewhere between Le Muy and Monaco there was a secret check. it turned out this check was twentyfive kilos from Le Muy. Actually, the average was kept exceptionally well by the majority of the competitors 200 marks were allotted to this test. For each second late or early from the exact speed 0.05 of a point, was lost, but a big percentage of the competitors lost less than one mark on this section ; while the best time of all was accomplished by the Coupe des Dames Matford, driven by Mmes. Roualt and

Rodinques, who lost 0.15. Many were the opinions of the various competitors as to the suitabil ty of th s check, as some thought that a secret check, spo It the sporting nature of the Rally, and maintaining that all the difficulties should be fully known before the start. After arrival, all cars were checked in, sealed. and parked for the night on the parade awaiting the braiiing, and acceleration tests on the morrow.


Saturday dawned a beautiful hot sunny day, and a large crowd was down on the Cardamiere to see the arrivals. The earliest anybody could have checked In was 8.24 a.m., but most drivers seem to take the 50 k.p.h. between Avignon and Muy (the average between these two points was what you liked between

50 and 60 k.p.h.) and then did their utmost to average the exact 50 k.p.h. between LeMuy and the final control. Actually it was almost 9 o’clock when the first car appeared, a 4i-litre Bentley saloon driven by J. B. P. Howey from John o’Groats.

From then on a steady stream of cars were clocked in till mid-day. The first dozen all being John o’Groats cars, with tired drivers, but with no tales of hectic trouble, in fact not a mark was lost by any competitor before loulcuie, where Gunter who joined this route at Doncaster, was forced to retire, and Denny-Hewitt (Riley), had trouble with a broken gearlever, which, however, they were able to get repaired locally about 4 a.m. The next group to arrive were the Stavanger section headed by Harris and Morgan in an M.G.

Colonel Berlescz,f’s Ford fitted u.,ith an aeroplane fabric body, made splendid time in the acceleration test to finish i 4th. The Lahaye-Quatresous Renault was quite the largest engined-cum-smallest bodied saloon, you could imagine, all very business like as would be expected

from this well experienced team. The Knutsen-Aas Ford was also an exceptionally well arranged car, with all the usual Rally extras. All three drivers were in black-shirt uniforms (emblazoned with the Norwegian flag) and breeches, and seemed generally very militaristic. Le Begne and Quintin were in a very ” typesport ” Delahaye two-seater (the eventual Rally winner) and seemed quite happy after their journey. Dobell’s silver Lagonda was leaking oil having broken its sump. Schell and Dreyfus arrived looking as though they had driven over from Nice fresh as paint, although Schell told me it. was the hardest Rally he had ever been in (and he has competed in nine Rallies no W

The reason for his loss of marks at Oslo was being unable to find the control. A chain flying off, and getting. caught up in the brake drum had necessitated jacking up the wheel to release the offending chain, and lost them about forty minutes which was soon made up, and then these three marks for the trivial offence of not locating the Oslo control. The Umea competitors then began to arrive headed by Cornelius in the small D.K.W., an excellent performance for a two-stroke. This route had a corn

paratively easy run, and only McKenzie’s Daimler seemed to find difficulty in getting through to time losing 148 marks before reaching Lyon. The Delage driven by Imbert-Prattqueville besides being one of the best bodied cars in the Rally, had excellent and very simple hook devices ftted fore and aft for un-ditching purposes, amongst

a host of ingenious extras. Countess Blixen Finecke’s Ford, seemed to have had a head on collis.on. The sports H.R.G. was probably the ti. htest fit of the whole Rally, both drivers being enormously big, and on emerging from the car, it looked imp° sible that they could both get in it together. Davis in the Wolseley in comparison must have had one of the easiest rides in the Rally in his superbly and ingeniously equipped saloon. Many of the Umea cars and nearly

all Dutch drivers had a special and what looked like an extremely tricky gauge for the regularity test, evolving apparently much work with slide rules, but the best performances were done by people with stop watches pure and simple. The Amsterdam arrival,: were next to clock in, and it was noted particularly. Noord.’s enormous-chauffeur-driven open Mercuks with two passengers and cabin trunks bearing luggage, and the radiator strewn with Nazi badges and flags. What an equipe. And then came the two enormous buses, the Bedford with a driver, and seventeen youths as passengers, and the Mere d s with twenty-four tightly packed middle-aged men and women—two truly sporting performances,

Now the Tallinn, Bucarest, and 13.iernio cars were about due, and. they began to arrive in that order.

Van Strien’s Ford. seemed to have exceptional ground clearance, and was one of the most elaborately equipped cars to be seen, and the most impressive Tal Hun car.. Of the six 13ucarest starters, five arrived it Monte the most spectacular being Colonel Berlescu’s astounding Ford —the same he used last year—with its .aeroclynas ic three-seater body made of aeroplane fabric, but this year without the special ski-equipment for snow ; however six marks were lost by this car at the examination for not having regulation wings. Ioankli’s Ford also

was somewhat stripped of essentials, and had exceedingly small wheels fitted.

The Czecho-Slovakian Aero, an excellent little front-wheel drive, t wo-stroke car, driven by Furtnanik and Ste nberg arrived covered in Pyrene spray having caught fire while refuelling at Lyon, luckily without serious damage.

So far no Palermo drivers had arrived and one wondered if any would get through, or if the terrible conditions between Padua and Munich were going to have their toll on those who were still continuing, but at 12.02 Zainfirescon, —last year’s winner with Cristea—and Trevoux arrived in their very businesslike two-seater Hotchkiss, followed by Villoresi in a standard 1,500 c.c. Fiat, and then Cristea’s Ford (the same car that won last year) not so very standard ; being iucidently the only twin-rear tyred.

car in the Rally, which led to much argument at the acceleration and bra ing test, but was eventually passed as all right, and according to regulations. Five cars arrived on time from Palermo followed about four hours later by the only two other survivors from the original twenty-two starters, who just got in before the control closed.


From a standing start cars had to cover a measured 200 metres, as quickly as Possible, to a line, which had to be crossed by the front wheels, the car then to be reversed over the same line, so the front wheels again crossed the line this time in reverse, after which they accelerated to cross the finishing line, which was placed i 00 metres beyond the brake line. For twenty-five metres on each side of the brake line the course was only 81metres broad, marked out by big skittles. which if knocked over lost the driver five points per skittle. 200 marks were allocated to this test from which the fastest time recorded by each competitor was

deducted. Cardamiere on which the tests are held is not a straight parade at al but has a steady pull to the left, which many drivers did not seem to appreciate, and very few seemed to try and cut the corner between the start and brake point, arid aga n Letween the braking po nt aid the finish.

The driving was good, bad, and indifferent.

The old stagers all seemed to know the tricks of the trade, and all fast times were done by drivers who seemed to coast over the brake line with apparently reverse engaged, and the clutch out, and having floated over the line, immediately glided back in reverse, and then a similar operation with first engaged. They never seemed to stop, but continued a steady forward, then backward, then forward again motion, not unlike the pendulum of a clock. Everyone seethed to keep to the course without overmuch difficulty, and I saw no skittles knocked down although Van Strien on his second run in a Ford swayed all down the marked-out course, going from one side to the other, locking over hard each time, and although he scattered the Press photographers he never touched a skittle. Incidentally having made such a mess ot it, he continued straight through

not attempting reversing. The three best tithes were put up by (1) Schell in the Delahaye in 23.4 seconds (2) Cristea in the stripped Ford in 23.6 second:;, while his second run with twin rear wheels was kr; seconds (3) Le 1.,egue (the eventual winner) in 23.8 in his Delahaye, second run 24 seconds.

All were perfect exhibitions of driving, the non-stop pendulum motion being apparent in each case. The Delahaves acceleration was terrific ; the Fords performance was probably more spectacular, Cristea leaving his braking to the last yard it seemed, but he stopped just over the line, shot back in reverse again just sufficiently far over the line, and then jumped off. the back wheels leaping up a clear foot from the terrific power being Used, and aided by

his twin rear wheels. An amazingly fine, and steady performance was put up on both runs by the Buick saloon entered by Jacobs and de Boer—perfectly effortless, yet so good that it earned them third place in the whole Rally with their second run of 24 8 seconds.

The de Masse-Mahe Talbot (French Talbot that is) was another car that did two perfect runs with times of 24 and 24.2. Consistency for you. Many teams seemed to let each driver have one turn, which never seemed to pay, as each man was unaccustomed to the feel of the car again and the course and in nearly every case when the same driver took the second run as well, he improved on his first time, which seems to prove this point of getting used to the course. Another point o in crest one heard various competitors say tnat they had done 24 seconds repeatedly while practising the test before the Rally yet only eight times were recorded under 25 seconds in the actual tests out of 160 attempts. While many said this was due to nerves, and cars not being in trim, I believe it was due in no small measure to the course not being laid out in exact straight lines, on which all tests were presumably made in trials prior to the Rally itself.

Actually running through the tests as they were carried out the first excellent performances were the two runs by the Jacobs-de Boer Buick.

This was immediately followed by the lightning dash recorded by Le Begue in the Delahaye, wh-& time then looked as if it might not be beaten. A few runs later came Schell with his Deiahaye, and somehow one felt that here was the one man and car that in ght improve on Le Begue’s time.

And what a run he made, before anyone seemed to realise this Rally expert was due to start, he appeared like the proberbial bullet, braked hard yet smoothly, shot back the necessary few feet and away he went down the Cardam ere bringing back memories of the Grand Prix, with his terrific speed. There never seemed any doubt that this would be the fastest run up till that moment, and as it turned out it was the fastest time recorded in the tests. The French Talbot driven by Mahe made two of the fastest and Most con

sistent runs recorded. Hill and Davis had one try each with the big Wolseley and both did the identical, and rather slow time for this car, oh 31.5 seconds. 11 nes came next in the Riley, and did two excellent runs, doing 26.9, and then 27.9.

Bak1-7er-Schut-Mutsae ts were impressive and quick in the Lincoln. as was Falkenb rg in an Oldsmobile Coupe., also Hofman in a Ford.

The Denny-Hewitt Riley was steady and quick. Time 27.7 seconds. Another Lincoln entered by Nyenbandring de Boer . was an excellent performer, although it, rolled quite a bit while braking, and • clockel 26.8 and 26.9 seconds. D. 11. Murray r razer-Nash.M.W ) had the in sfortune to stall Ili engine and bit; time of 30 seconds, was a creditable


Bellen in a Fiat saloon stalled completely. Westerman in a Ford coupe swayed around a lot under the brakes, but nevertheless did 27.7 seconds. The Countess N an Leinburg Stirum did a perfect steady run, exactly as it

should have been done in her Ford. The chauffeur driven Mercides-Benz entered by Noord, came up as befitted it, yery sedately, all the evolutions were done sedately, and away it went, but not so when on the second run, ” James ” stalled his engine after reversing ! Tut! Tut ! I

The BarnPs Singer, after a fair first run, was stalled during the second attempt. 0,harles Brackenbury had trouble with the Lagonda while braking, as his shock absorbers were not working, but nevertheless clocked 26.3 seconds on one run, which was good enough for all that. The front wheel drive Aero (Vojtechovsky Zak) was impressive, and quick, and then we came to the exciting runs again.

Berles in the aerodynamic Ford, which gave the scrutineers such trouble, and eventually lost marks for wings made two astounding runs with 26.3 and 25.8.

Trevoux in the special two-seater Hotchkiss on his first run failed to reverse over the brake line and so did not count and his second run came to 25.1excellent, but not quite good enough to get right up amongst the leaders.

Villoresi in the 1,500 c.c. Fiat was clean and qu’ck on each run, and then Cristea in his special soap-box bodied Ford.

To end these proceedings the Bedford and Merci’dis buses did the test, and did it remarkably well, too-with no skittles de-placed.

So ended the tests, with the French sports-car triumphant. ‘1 he American saloons all did exceptionally well, Regrettably no English cars did anything remarkable, and it seemed as though no English car entered in the Rally had any chance of winning the event. The real Rally ” specials ” this year had to give way to the more standard French sportscars which seems to suggest that racing does improve the breed.


On the Wednesday, the proceedings took on a more social atmosphere, and as befitted the occasion the sun shone beautifully and the day was typical of

the Cote zur at its very best. At 10.80 a.m. the cars were assembled in the Final Rally order, with Le Begue leading, on the Quai de Plaisance, and made a triumphal tour of the town before proceeding to the Palace of the Prince of Monaco, for the Prize Distribution. Each car bearing a card indicating its starting point in the Rally. Surely a perfect setting for such an event.

Le Begue led the procession, and was the first to receive his various prizes from the Minister of the Interior. The French National Anthem was played, and then Le Begue drove his car off to the applause of the crowd in the Palace Square. Villoresi drove his 1,500 c.c. Fiat, winner of the small car class. The Italian National Anthem, and then the Fascist Anthem, were played before Villoresi In his turn moved off. This was a most impressive little ceremony in a perfect setting. Gradually the list of finishers

was read out and in turn he or she drove her car to the dais, received the prizes, and drove away, and this took quite a considerable time as may be imagined, but nevertheless was appreciated by the competitors.

Each car looking its best, and very few amongst them showing any signs of the difficulties they had been through to reach Monte Carlo.

The prize distribution was followed by a cocktail party in the exotic gardens overlooking Monaco which nearly all the competitors and officials attended, partaking drinks, and most of them taking photographs of the general scene, the perfect views, not forgetting the exotic gardens themselves. And so we come to the concluding item in this great week at Monte Carlo, the dinner at the International Sporting

Club. This time a perfect dinner, in perfect surroundings, with a good dance band and cabaret to add the finishing touches.

Speeches were made by General Polovtsoff, the President of the International Sporting Club ; Charles Faroux, the Clerk of the Course: VhCOn te de Rohan, the President of the Automobile Club de France, and, last but not least, Rene Le Begue, the Rally winner. We heard the interesting announcement that all entries for the large car class next year would have to be saloon bodies, another attempt to stop the freak Rally car which is just another stop in the right direction.

Rene Le Begue’s speech was surely one of the most modest speeches ever made ; the winner reeling off a long list of people, firms and clubs whom he wished to thank for having made his success pr ssible.

A very pleasing note on which to conclude the J6th Monte Carlo Rally. The hardest of all Rallies to the present time.


If the good gentleman who thought ” doucement ” was the French for” hurry up” has yet got that round of drinks he ordered ?

If the journalist with the ” TresSnob-Anglais-le Smoking” suit is now re-equipped ?

What was the best film show to be seen at Monte Carlo during the Rally ?

How many English drivers stalled their engines in the acceleration, and brake test, and if so, why ?

Why was the famous journalist, who always preaches ” Buy French,” using a Bentley ?

If Mickey at the Grand Hotel bar has yet recovered from the invasion of the English Rally crowd ?

If ” Nisse ” has been back to Nice again, and if so did he challenge another Ford with his Oldsmobile on the Moyerne Corniche to Monte Carlo ?

How many times did Mortimer plunge on Zero before it finally turned up ?

Who gave the most expensive party of the week and where was it held ?

How many people on arrival at the final control on Saturday morning said ” Never Again ? ” RESULTS : ORDER IN GENERAL CLASSIFICATION (1500 c.o. category order in dark type)

No., entrants and car, starting point, total points. 1. Le Begue; Quinlin (Delahaye), Stavanger, 852.20.

P. de Mama; N. Mahe (Talbot), Stavanger, 851.70.

M. .Jacobs; T. de Boer (Buick), Stavanger, 849.85.

I. anifiresenu (Hotchkiss), Palermo, 848.75.

L. Schell; R. Dreyfus (Delahaye), Stavanger, 848.35.

C. Lahaye ; It. Quatresous (Renault), Stavanger, 847.75.

P. G. Cristea (Ford), Palermo.

J. Paul ; D. Donnie’ (Delahaye), Stavanger. It. G. Knutsen ; T. Am (Ford), Stavanger.

C. Cordier (Buick), Tallinn.

J. A. Van Reed: Calkoen (Ford), Stavanger.

A. T. Valk St rim (Ford), Tallinn.

L. Villoresi (Fiat), Palermo, 1.

B. Neanitti ; A. Berlesm (Ford), Bucarest.

M. Worms (Hotchkiss), Stavanger.

D. H. Murray (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), Umea. B. J. T. Van der Hoek (Packard), Palermo. H. Imbert ; J. Fmianieville (Delage), Umea. F. Habnit (Ford), Umea.

M. ( atsonides; C. L. Sanders (Hffiman), limes, 2. J. Foch ; Bousquet (Citroen), Stavanger. W. L. limes (Riley), Umea, 3.

N. K. F. Falkenberg (Oldsmobile), Umea. 8. Zagorna ; A. Mazurek ((hevrolet), Bucarest. 0. Bakker Schut ; Mutsaerts (Lincoln), Umea. Z. Pohl (Skoda), Palermo, 4.

A. N. P. loanidi (Ford), Bucarest, 5.

E. A. C. Cornelius (D. K.W.), Umea, 6. J. Harrop (S.S.), John o’ Groats.

L. Borowik (Tatra,) Umea.

J. F. C. Wellings (8.8.), John o’ Groats.

A. C. Scott (H.R.G.), Umea, 7.

B. Formanek ; P. Steinberg (Aero), Bucarest, R. Mrs. G. Molander (Plymouth).

17. )8.


Mrs. Molander (Plymouth), Umea,

Miss C. Brusell and Countess E. von BlixenFinecke (Ford), t’inea.

Mines. G. Rounult, M. Rodrigues (Matford), Stavanger. Mlle. A. van Vredenburch, Countess van

Limburg Stirum (Ford), Amsterdam. Miss B. Parnell (Hillman), John o’ Groats. Miss V. M. Wilby (Arinstrong-Siddeley), John

o’ Groats.

International Sporting Club Cup: Le Begue-J. Quinlin (Delahaye).

Riviera Cup : L. Villoresi (Fiat).

Country Club Cup : A. C. Cornelius (D.K.W.). Coupe des Dames : Mrs. G. Molander (Plymouth). Le Journal Trophy: Zandirescou-Trevoux (Hotchkiss). The Late Public ScLools Motor Challenge Trophy and Rene Leon Trophy

: 0. H. Murray(Frazer-Nash). Prince Pierre Ghika Trophy and Rome R.A.C. Trophy : B. Neamtu (Ford).

Norwegian Trophy : Le Begue-Quinlin (Delahaye). Aftenposten Trophy : D. E. Harris-C. Morgan (M.G.).

Barclay’s Bank Trophy : Gatsonides-C. L Sanders (Hillman).

R.S.A.C. Quaich : J. Harrop (SS).

The Couture Trophy: Mrs. 0. Molander (Plymouth). Grand Prix de Contort : S. C. H. Davis (Woiseley). Motor Trophy : J. A. Van Beech Calkoen (Ford). Hotchkiss Trophy : Au. Delahaye.

Netherlands A.C. Cups : Over 1,500 c.c.; JacobsT. de Boer (Buick). Under 1,500 c.c. •, CatsonidesC . L. Sanders ( Inman). Netherlands A.C. Trophy : J. S. C. Nyenbandring de Boer (Lincoln).

Dutch Ford Trophies : (Lady driver) Mlle. Van Vredentairen-Countess van Limburg (Ford). (Male driver) Van Beech Calkoen (Ford).

Ford Dealers’ Trophy : .1. S. C. Nyenbandring (Lincoln).

Baltic Prize : Ch. Conner (Buick).

Hotel des Etrangers Cup: Zanffirescou-J. Trevoux (Hotchkiss).

Welded’ Cup : B. Neaintu-Lt. Berleseo (Ford). Fraisse and Demey : Le Begue-J. Quinlin (Delahaye).

Monaco A.C. Cup : L. Schell-R. Dreyfus (Delahaye).

BakkernSchut Prize : T. de Boer (Buick).

COACHWORK RESULTS Grand Prix D’Honneur: S. C. Lt. Davis (Wolseley

Grand Prix D’Honneur: S. C. Lt. Davis (Wolseley “25.”).

Closed Cars over 1,500 c.c. : 1, S. C. H. Davis (Wolseley); 2, W. A. McKenzie (1)a,imler);. 3, H. C. Hunter (Bentley); 4, H. Imbert-J. Frangueville (Delage) ‘ • 5, Mine. R. Richer Delavau, M. Rh. D

Richer elavau (Delage).

Open Cars over 1,500 e.c.: 1, A. E. Dobell(Lagondal; 2. Bilg. F. E. Nord (Mercedes-Benz) ; 3, .T. C. k . Wellings (8.8.) ; 4, Miss D. Patten (British-Salmson).

Closed Cars under 1,500 c.o.; 1, F. S. Barnes (Singer); 2, A. B. Grant, Jtmr.-D. M. Wilson (Triumph).

Open Cars under 1,500 c.a. : 1, B. A. DennyB. N. R. Hewitt (Riley); 2, I). E. Harris-C. Morgan (M.G.).

ALL THE RALLY TROPHY WINNERS International Club Le Begue-J.