Club News, February 1937




From 1908 the Berkhamsted M.C. and C.C. has grown steadily in size, and now the membership totals the record figure of 220. During 1936 no fewer than fifty-six new members joined the car section, the total number of such members being, at the present, 138.

The club organises events of every description—trials, treasure bunts, social runs, motor-cycle” scrambles,” the annual dinner, a film show and of course the everpopular speed hill-climbs at Dancers End near Thug and the speed trials in the Howard Park, Aston Clinton.

The first sporting event of the season is the annual Winwood Cup Trial. This is due to take place some time in February. The exact date will be announced later. The trial this year is to be reorganised and. altered in form so that it should appeal to everybody, no matter what type of car is possessed. Every member receives a copy of the Club Magazine monthly. The entrance fee to the club is 5/-, and the annual

subscription thereafter 1016d. The ” King’s Arms,” I3erkharnsted is the club’s headquarters. On Sunday, January 10th, the Annual General Meeting was held at the ” King’s Arms,” Berkharnsted, Mr. A. P. Good presiding. The following were elected as the officers for the coming season :—

President, Prof. A. M. Low ; chairman, Mr. A. P. Good ; vice-chairman, Mr. W. J. Green ; hon. secretary, Mr. N. C.

Lone ; lion, assistant secretary, Mr. B A. Leigh ; treasurer, Mr. F. Groom ; captain, Mr. A. D. G. Beveridge ; Press secretary, Mr. J. P. M. Wilkes ; magazine editor, Miss M. Prosser ; advisory committee, Mr. W. Taylor, Mr. G. R. Stanley and Mr. N. B. Robins.

The hon, secretary is Mr. N. C. Lone, 57, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, I-Terts.


We have received the list of awards for 1936 of the Frazer-Nash Car Club Trophies. They are as follows – RESULTS Selsdon Bowl (best all-round performance) :

Miss M. Wilby.

Runner-up • A. S. Whiddington. Twentyman Cup : racing and speed events :

I. 0. F. Peters.

Runner-up : J. 0. Clarke.

Aldington Cup (reliability trials) : W. L. Jackson.

Runner-up : Miss M. Wilby. Botterell Trophy : (best performance considering

age of car) : J. G. Clarke.

Runner-up : J. B. Williamson.


The annual dinner-dance of the SouthEastern Section was held on Friday, January 15th, at the First Avenue Hotel, London, and was run on the informal lines which always distinguish this function. Before reaching the reception room, members and their friends had to pro

duce the realistic ” summonses” which served as tickets before a ” court ” consisting of magistrate, clerk and police constable.

There were no speeches during the dinner, but Master-at-Ceremonies, R. W. Whale, kept the diners in constant amuse ment by the presentation of prizes for such accomplishments as “the first lady

to tell the company a ‘little Audrey’ story,” and ” the first person to produce a driving licence more than six weeks out of date.” The climax came, however, when the Norma Cup (for the best aggregate per formance Of the year) was presented to F. A. Fuller. A condition attached to the presentation was that the cup should be filled with ale and then drained by the runner-up, R. C. Blake. A roar of applause broke out when a huge papier

mr cup, at least six reet high, was wheeled into the room !

Indeed, the whole affair was condueted with great humour, even the menu containing such items as ” Poularde—qui a essaye de traverser le Chemin.” During the dinner a bouquet was presented by the committee to Mrs. Burrage,

the wife of Mr. C. C. W. Burrage, vicepresident of the club and sectionsecretary, both of whom have done so much to foster the interests and development of the club.

Dancing and games continued to the accompaniment of Len Henshaw’s Band, and it was not until the very small hours that the party finally broke up.


A. P. Rivers Fletcher, formerly Hon Secretary of the E.R.A. Club, has now been appointed its chairman, and the position of Hon. Secretary now falls to :— S. H. Green, 591, London Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey. The Hon. Ireasurer is :— P. B. Mayne, The Old Rectory, Aston Landlord, Aylesbury, Bucks.

The first number of the second volume of ” Hearsay,” the E.R.A. club’s bulletin, is now available and will be printed every second month throughout the year. This bulletin is only available to members, to whom it is sent free of charge.

The club has now about 130 members, and as last year will arrange various functions, including a visit to the works at Bonnie, lectures by well-known drivers, and an annual dinner in London.


The fixture list for 1937 is as follows, January 24th—Treasure hunt ; February 28th—Kent trial ; April 18th—Chilterns Cup trial ; May 9th—Scrounge ; June 13th—Social run and bathe ; July 4th— Invitation speed trials ; August 22nd— Social run ; September 26th—Autumn Cup trial (Sussex) ; October 17th—Social

run ; November 7th—President’s Cup trial ; November 27th—Annual dinner and dance. The annual subscription is 7/6, and the Hon. Secretary, A. A. Bolsom, 33, Heath Street, N.W.3.


The annual general meeting was held on January 13th, at the Chiltern Court Restaurant, Baker Street, and, in spite of a scattered membership, over a third of the total number attended, many famous motoring sportsmen being present.

The president, Mr. S. C. H. Davis, was unavoidably absent owing to Monte Carlo Rally preparations, so the chair was taken by the senior vice-president, Lt.-Col. J. Clutton, T.D. The following officers were elected for 1937 :

President : S. C. H. Davis. Vice-Presidents : Lt. Col. J. Chilton, T.D., and

Forrest Lyeett.

Captain : E. T. Lewis.

Secretary : Tim W. Carson. Competition Secretary : H. P. Bowler

Press Secretary : Cecil Clinton.

Treasurer : N. W. McCaw.

Minor amendments were made to certain club rules, and it was passed that all new members should pay an entry fee of 5/and a subscription of 12/6 per annum, or 7/6 per annum in the case of associate members, and that these increased rates should apply to all members in 1938. This step was considered desirable to cover the cost of organising events and for the continued publication of Clutton’s invigorating Bulletins, which serve in lieu of general notices. The age of cars owned by driving members is to be kept at seven years, the limiting date being December 31st, 1930. During the meeting Mr. Lycett presented the annual Aggregate Award to Marcus Chambers, whose 1936 performances were put up with one car—a 41-litre Bentley. It was announced that Col. Clutton’s Cup for the best aggregate performance of 1936 by a driver of a pre-war car had been won by E. K. H. Karslake, using a 1908 single-cylinder SiaaireNaudin. The number of members owning really historic cars is now extremely comprehensive, and one and all are genuinely enthusiastic for these motors of a sterner age, keeping them not as ” museumpieces” but because they thoroughly enjoy running cars of this sort and are determined to have continued fun and adventure with them. Apart from Clutton’s well-known 1908 S.xty W. G. S. Wike owns the immortal 21litre Fiat ” Mephistopheles ” with which the late Ernest Eldridge took the Land Speed Record in 1924 at 147 m.p.h., G. B. C. Sumner runs the famous V12, 101-litre Delage, Tim Carson has one of the 1922 T.T. Vauxhalls, Watkins-Pitchford and Clutton share the 1921 straighteight G.P. Ballot raced at Brooklands by Clive Dunfee, Col. Giles runs the 1913

chain-drive Bugatti ” Black Bess” and Richard Nash possesses twenty-three antique bicycles, twenty-seven pre-war cars and four pre-1918 aeroplanes, including the 1912 15-litre Grand Prix Lorraine-Dietrich. This does not exhaust the list of really old or famous cars, and, in addition, the majority of thoroughbred sports-cars of the past fifteen years and several well-known “specials” are represented amongst the rapidly growing membership and the V.S.C.C. thus does extremely valuable work in banding together those enthusiasts who seriously use real motors. The 1937 fixtures include three trials, of. which the Chilterns event will be held on February 14th, three speed trials, at which formula classes for pre-1915 cars will again figure, and two Doniugton meetings.

New members include Morris-Goodall, who owns the only sixteen-valve G.P. Aston-Martin still in existence, J. D. Aylward, who joins as an associate member and has a beautifully kept 1932 AstonMartin, and Mr. McKenzie, of McKenzie’s Garages, Ltd., whose personal car is a special 4i-litre Bentley.

Full particulars from : T. W. Carson, The Plutnix Hotel, Hartley Wintney, Hants. (Phone : Hartley Wintney 84).

M.G. C.C.

The Chilterns Trial of the M.G. Car Club was run off on. January 17th, and, confined to M.G. cars, it drew an entry of fifty-five, which is a measure of the popularity of the marque amongst trials drivers. Forty-six started from Marlow at the convenient hour of 11 a.m., in nice weather which later gave way to heavy rain. All got successfully to the top of Maiden’s Grove, except R. T. Havart, whose J2 Midget didn’t care about the look of things. In a special stop and reverse test the outstanding performance was that of W. J. Green, whose supercharged PB took only 13.6 secs., M. W. G. Whittmaain (T-Midget), P. G. P. Meadows (Magnette), S. Curry (P-Midget) and S. Ison (P-Midget) were the runners-up, all with a time of 14 secs

There was then a refreshment stop at the ” Lambert Arms,” Aston-Rowant, where the proprietor, G. Daybell, who used to drive 30/98 Vauxhall and Sunbeam cars at 13rooklands, had arranged a special bar for the use of the club. Competitors were checked in by a 2/9 alarum-clock to tunes from a Crossley car-radio, and only one man was seriously late. Crowell, near at hand, was in a decidedly interesting condition. J. Twyford (P-Midget) and R. M. Andrews (P.B.) made fast ascents, C. T. Berridge performed very nicely with a T-Midget, and Mrs. M. A. Willcocks (Magnette), K. A. Scales (P-Midget), P. S. Flower (J2

Midget), A. G. Imhof (T-Midget) and R. J. Harter (T-Midget) all gave good shows,

meritorious in divers ways. Actually sixteen failed on Crowell, R. H. Warnes’s Magnette falling into the ditch and R. T. Havarts’ J.2 diving down an embankment just to add to the fun. E. J. Haesendonek broke his P-Midget’s axle.

Another special test followed, at that historic speed venue, Kop Hill. N. Bracey (P-Midget) excelled, clocking 10 secs., the runners-up being J. H. Spencer (Magnette) in 10.4 secs., and J. Twyford (P-Midget) in 10.6 secs. Near Wendover the route markings of a motor-cycling trial misled at least one M.G. C.C. competitor, and, though careful reading of the routecard would have obviated this, it raises the question of each club distinctively marking its .own colour-cards. So to Cookson’s Stopper, near Halton Camp, a new hill divided into two sections. Andrews, Flower, and Bracey did notably, and Imhof coaxed his T-Midget up with

especial skill. Thirteen drivers failed on both sections, and six beat the lower only to be themselves beaten by the upper portion. The trial finished at a conveniently early hour at the” Rose and Crown,” Tring, thirty-two miles’ drive from London. Secretary F. L. M. Harris is an old hand at organising good trials and he was personally in attendance all day, in company with C. G. Tuck of the M.G. Car Company, Ltd.


C.M.I. Banana Challenge Trophy(best performance) S. Curry (I) Midget).

Team Award : North-Western Centre : .T. Twyford (P Midget), K. A. Scales (P Midget) and J. F. Guest (T Midget).

First-class Awards : J. Twyford (P Midget), R. M. Andrews (Pa Midget), K. A. Scales (P Midget). A. J. Milburn (J2 Midget). J. E. R. Wuidart •(P Midget). C. P. Barber (PB Midget), A. 0. Imhof (T Midget).

Second-class Awards • N. Bracey (P Midget). Miss J. M. Ailey (N Magnette), J. F. Kemp (N Magnate), 0. C Walton. (PB Midget), J. F. Guest (T Midget), P. S. Flower (32 Midget)„ J. G. Murray (1 Midget), D. I:. tiurr ge ( is Midget), K. C. if. Rawlings (32 Midget), S. Teen (P Midget).


The 1937 fixtures include the opening Rally, the Monte-Honiton-Carlo Rally, an Afternoon Trial, Lewes Speed Trials, the Welsh trial, the Night trial, and two Doningtou meetings in conjunction with the Vintage S.C.C. and United Hospitals M.C. Invitations have heen received from the Kent and Sussex L.C.C. for three Lewes speed trials and from the Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. for the Backwell Hillclimb and a summer dinner-dance will be arranged in J tme. The annual general meeting takes place at the Green Park Club on March 10th.

Membership is now around the 200 mark, and H. J. D. Burn and N. de B. Priestley were recently elected.

The January issue of ” Bugantics ” contains a report of the Night Trial by A. P. Walsham, who drove a Series H Railton, an illustrated article by C. E. C. Martin on ” Bugattis I have Owned,” and a controversial article by W. Boddy entitled ” On the Passing of the Fur Sang.”

Hon. Sec. : E. L. Giles, 2, Queen Street, Mayfair, W.I. Mayfair 4701.


Twenty-six starters competed in the recent Falkirk trial. An especially exciting feature was “We Weep,” a section which took the form of an under-canal passage just high enough to pass a Ford V8, in. darkness, and with flooding up to eighteen inches in. depth in parts. Mercifully, no one stuck or lit up I Though I. G. Brown’s M.G. experienced a flooded driving compartment. Roughcastle was in vengeful mood, but J. H. Blyth made a fast ascent with an Austin, W. Y. Martin’s M.G. Magnette went up steadily, and P. M. Goodall successfully defeated his Singer’s excessive wheelspin. Keith Elliot, who had forsaken his well-known Riley for a Ford Ten, failed r:ght at the top. G. Murray-Frame s Singer won the small-car class and R. K. N. Clarkson’s Ford V8 was the victor in the opposite class In the special driving test a timed climb resulted in Blyth’s Austin scoring amongst the small fry, with Clarkson’s Ford V8 again successful amongst the heavier metal.

The last gradient was Craigend, which failed the whole entry, and thus ranks as a hill which should in future receive the concentrated attention of Scottish trials organisers.


Premier Awards :— (Over 1,500 c.c.) : B,. K. N. Clarkson (Ford).

(Under 1,500 c.o.) :0. Murray-Frame (Singer). First-class Awards : None.

Second-class Awards : T. L. McDonald (Singer), J. H. Blyth (Austin), 3. 0. R. Watson (Ford).

Third-class Awards : J. P. Millar (Frazer-NashB.M.W.), P. M. Goodall (Singer), W. Y. Martin (M.G.), D. McQueen (Ford), and W. K. Elliot krord).


A Veteran Car Run is afoot, to be limited to cars built not later than. December 31st, 1912. Unless twelve entries are likely to be forthcoming the arrangements

will not be proceeded with. It will be extremely interesting to see whether any early cars -i,v.11 come to light in Ireland, especially as all the good ones seem to have been unearthed over here. If there are any we hope their new owners will join the Veteran Car Club or the Vintage Sports Car Club—whichever is appropriate to the age of their carriages.

Owing to the unhappy accident last year the Bangor authorities are unwilling that the County Down Race be held over the former circuit, and the future of that excellent race is uncertain.

The Circuit of Ireland Trial Regulations are now available. Prize money totals £155 and entries close March 1st. At the annual general meeting strong points were put forward in favour of the continuance of the T.T., which was described as being to Ulster what the Dublin Horse Show was to the Irish Free State. But it was believed that there

is considerable uncertainty as to the holding of the 1937 race on the Aids Circuit. The Club showed a profit on the year’s working of i171 16s. lid.

Another issue of the printed review is out, and should be in the hands of all who seek first-class news of the sport in Ireland. W. B. Killen, B.Sc. contributes an interesting article on Streamlining.

Ulster Automobile Club, 65, Chichester Street, Belfast.


The Sunbeam Motor-cycling Club appears to put on one big car trial each year, and accordingly ran an event over War Office ground on the heaths of Bagshot and Camberley on January 24th. The use of private ground has much to commend it from the view-point of not bringing disfavour on the sport, and a course can be chosen which satisfies the most hairy of hill-stormers. For ourselves we get a greater kick out of attempting more normal trials gradients, but then we even enjoy the sort of surfaces that the M.C.C. uses.

However, if really severe gradients and extreme approaches are to be imposed, decent weather is needed, and the unrelenting rain on January 24th resulted in general unpleasantness and considerable delay, as the course was mainly unsuited to small cars and the routemarking over the barren and not unsurprisingly desolate plains gave best to the wet and general beastliness. Matters were not assisted by the ban on locked axles and superchargers. The writer was passenger to H. E. Richards in a model P M.G. Midget, who retired after the lunch stop, thoroughly soaked, with bent steering, and water even inside the thermometer dial. One sportsman with a T-model M.G. Midget sank well and truly into a bog, but was subsequently salved and professed a keen inclination to continue. Fiftyfour started and ten got up the first extremely acute grade. S. H. Allard got plenty of knots at the foot for his special Ford V8, which duly made the grade and vanished against the sky-line. W. L. Jackson’s high-geared Frazer-Nash performed outstandingly, and S. L. Chappell’sFord V8 made the summit. Elgood’s 3-litre Bentley, closed up in deference to the weather, gave a wonderful display of pulling power and also succeeded. A. T. K. Debenham’s Singer was hampered by flooding carburetters, Richards’s M.G. by fuel starvation, while E. G. Smith’s astonishing cut-down Austin Seven nearly made it, whereas E. K. Farley lostthree forward speeds

belonging to his Singer. A Lambda Lancia made a good effort. The next hill failed twenty-eight cars, and the third was cut out after being rendered impossible. In reversing dowv the second hill Elgood’s Bentley became as well and truly ditched as any Monte Carlo car, but with the distinct advantage that many men of mighty muscle were at hand to lift it bodily out. Two hills were cut out of the afternoon section, and forty drivers remained to attempt Red Roads.

All credit to S. H. Allard, whose Bugattibodied Ford V8 was the only successful climber. This car has a cowled radiator, streamlined bodywork and a beautiful remote control gear-shift with a miniature rev-counter carried on the extension tunnel. Other good, but actually unsuccessful attempts on Red Road were registered by F. Allott (Ford V8), W. L. Jackson (Frazer-Nash), S. L. Chappell (Ford V8), K. Hutchison (Ford V8 Special), C. E. Stothert (Ford V8), A. G. Imhof (model T. M.G. Midget) and E. G. Smith (Austin Seven).

We came away feeling that tanks must have a pretty poor the. Actually the entry was excellent and nicely varied, inclusive of two Bugattis, and we look forward to seeing a similar entry performing under less ” circus-like” conditions.

Incidentally the weather even made us forgo the sight . of those curious beings with vacant expressions and funny uniforms, which normally teem in the Camberley country. RESULTS

First-class Awards : L. C. C. Hall (1,493 c.c. Singer), S. H. Allard (3,622 c.c. Ford), A. T. K. Debenham (972 (..e. Singer), W. L. Jackson (1,496 c.c. FraserNash. ( ‘..1. IL Day (1,991 c.c. A.C.), S. L. Chappell (3,622 ca’. Ford). K. Hutchison (3,622 c.c. Ford), M. IL Lawmni (972 c.c. Singer), 1′. C. Wise (3,622 c.c Ford), 11.. Peaty (1,49( c.c. 1;;k-r-Nash). E. 0. Smith (747 c.c. Austin), G. F. Pent liony (847 c.c. M.G.).

Second-class Awards : E. F. field (1,408 c.c. Singer), J. F. Parker (2,120 c.c. Lancia), W. J. Green 939 e.e. M.G.), C. E. Stothert (3,622 c.c. Ford), Miss S. Piggott (972 c.c. Singer), M. A. Volans (874 c.c. M.G.), J. R. Edwards (1,292 c.c. M.O.), L. P. Jacques (1,991 c.c. A.C.), A. G. Imhof (1,292 c.c. M.G.), G. W. Walker (972 e.e. Singer), J. D. Elliott, (972 c.c. Singer), E. 0. Mobbs (1,297 c.c.

K. R. W. Shackel (1,287 c.c. MeEVI)); Special), C. C. l’). Miller (747 c.c. Austin).

“One-make Twosome “Team Award : S. H. Allard and K. Hutchison (both driving 3,622 c.c. Fords).


In accordance with tradition, the Junior Car Club will open the Brooklands season with a Brooklands Rally on February 27th. As usual, all sorts of things will happen at once, rather as at the one-time Crystal Palace circuses, which has the merit of keeping spectators on the move—and we have known Brooklandi very bleak at the end of February.

The wiggle-woggle, parking tests, easy starting, flying half-mile and stop and restart Test Hill competitions will all be held, and, most interesting of all, a replica of the Monte Carlo Rally final tests under the 1937 ruling.

For those to whom the winter has seemed too long, the flying half-mile tests provide a return to speed-work, as certified time sheets are available. The set minimmn speeds are : up to 10 h.p., 56 m.p.h. 10 to 16 h.p., 65 m.p.h. Over 16 h.p., 78 m.p.h. Brooklands is definitely the place at which to be on February 27th.

Incidentally, Leslie Hore-Belisha’s message to the J.C.C., read at the A.G.M., is little short of astounding and, we hope, some kind of straw in the wind (or wind in the straw ?).

Full details of the Brooklands affair from : Empire House, Thurloe Place, Brompton Road, London, S.W. GENERAL NOTES You will recall that I have been jotting down some reminiscences of late, concerning happenings that have befallen a quite ordinary enthusiast in the course of his normal motoring. I must confess that most of these experiences occupied a day’s driving at a time, certainly spread over periods not exceeding twenty-four hours with each car. But recently I came across an enthusiast who is more ambitious in his search for unusual motoring. One lazy afternoon towards the end of August this enthusiast came across a 1923 8 h.p. Talbot-Darracq reposing in a breaker’s yard. Having procured the car—which had the roundshaped radiator and a French ancestry, as distinct from the better known ” 818 ” Talbot—for pi, some intriguing times were had discovering its characteristics, which numbered a distinctly temperamental contact breaker spindle, and cylinders badly in need of a rebore. The former malady was soon cured, but the latter was not, which was distressing, as oil-pressure vanished if the cruising speed rose above 28 to 30 m.p.h., and anyway, a pint of oil had to be added to the sump every 25 to 30 miles. The engine was found to possess some satisfyingly modern items of specification, including pump cooling, Delco-Remy coil ignition, a very stiff crankshaft with pressure lubrication, and push-rod o.h. valves. The rear axle was solid, and the designer was a man of some economy, for he had arranged that the foot-brake worked in one drum and the hand-actuated shoes in the opposite drum, which warmed things up to an unfortunate degree unless both were applied together. In this i5 Talbot-Darracq our adventurers set off from London to spend a week’s holiday in Scotland. A start was made at 1 a.m. on a wet Saturday and, as the screen-wiper asked for hand-operation, it is not surprising that ” Al.” was lost early on, and not regained until beyond Huntingdon. A stop for coffee was deemed desirable and in trying to restart the engine a garage-hand succeeded in snapping the water-pump clean off the timing-case with the starting handle. Repairs were carried out in an ill-lit workshop, and the journey was eventually resumed, very much behind schedule. However, the rain had now stopped and the average began to climb, so that Grantham, Newark, and Retford were put behind in fine style. Then “Froggy Bleu’s” engine stopped. The trouble was traced to a choked jet and a push back to the nearest garage was called for. An early lunch at Doncaster, Boroughbridge at 2 p.m., and through Catterick to Scots Corner and the hills leading to Appelby. After filling up with fuel and oil these gradients were tackled with some trepidation, second gear only being used momentarily, four

times, as prolonged running on the indirects destroyed the oil-pressure. The scheme was to attain 40 m.p.h, on second and then slip back into top. Seventeen and a half hours after starting, ” Froggy Bleu,” The Talbot-Darracq, rolled triumphantly into Hawick, the first night’s. destination, 50 miles south of Edinburgh. The next day the run on to Carnoustie, near Dundee, was completed successfully, though 4 front spring bolt had snapped and it was subsequently found that the water-pump was held in place by the hose connections only. A new timing-case cover and a new spring bolt having been fitted, the return run was contemplated. It was decided to come down via Edinburgh and the route via Perth was chosen to avoid the expense of ferries. Unfortunately, in Stirling the Perthshire Constabulary noticed the absence of a driving mirror and much delay ensued, which subsequent failure of the headlamps did nothing to rectify. The Talbot came into Edinburgh on the side lamps, and stopped there for the night. Next day unmistakable symptoms of rear-axle trouble got steadily worse and the Car was Only just coaxed into Hawick, where the crew went in search of relations while the Talbot stayed in a garage. Examination showed that the pinion was quite smooth 1 Second-hand spares arrived in London in two days, were fitted, and the last lap commenced that same afternoon— a little matter of 345 miles.

Carlisle was made by 5.5 p.m., averaging 27 m.p.h. Optimistically, an hour was taken at Scots Corner for tea, and later the dynamo belt snapped, was replaced, then the dynamo charged. only in spasms, and the rear light went out. Borobridge was reached at 11.15 p.m. ; the average down to under 18 m.p.h. Nevertheless enthusiasm sometimes wins in the end, and ” Froggy Bleu,” the Talbot-Darracq, entered London at 8.30 a.m. the next day, having taken 17+hours this time. Oil consumption was roughly 250 m.p.g., and fuel consumption 45 m.p.g. Now ” Froggy Bleu’s ” owner anticipates attempting to knock down his time for both runs. Yes I There’s still plenty of adventure going and genuine enthusiasts do not need expensive motors or freak conditions for its realisation. Why only the other day, seeking the sea and the sunshine, we nearly came to an inglorious end because of loose frontwheel nuts on an old Morris Minor saloon, which car definitely possessed certain M.G. aspects, including the dynamodriven over block camshaft, though equally definitely it was not fast. The next week-end was spent marshalling the M.G. C.C. Chilterns Trial, which confirmed all that has been written about the pleasures of doing a job of work of this kind. In this particular instance things were rendered more than usually enjoyable by reason of a Crossley radio set, installed in. the Morris Eight saloon by Ross and Robinson Ltd. The Robinson of this concern is a great motoring enthusiast, who has owned Bugatti and Bentley car3. He is a useful man to know if car radio or public address apparatus is required, and you may like

to note his telephone number Shepherds Bush $274. Incidentally, we used a very inexpensive alarum-clock for our checking operations and its inopportune release on the first floor of the ” Rose and Crown,” Tring, caused an instant response, a worried maid knocking at scores of doors to enquire who rang and then conducting a detailed examination of the bell indicator, supervised by the manager ! Now is the bine for annual general meetings, and the Igures dispensed thereat are very instructive to those concerned with the welfare of a motor club. Clubs can be divided into two categories,-; those that are rim purely for amusement, and which must not lose money because their sponsors cannot support the venue out of their own pockets, and those that are definitely run on a money-making basis, if only to ensure their satisfactory continuance. The M.C.C., belonging to the latter category, finished its year with surplus of 1;42 3s. 5d.., and investments worth well over 0,000 at market value. The M.G. Car Club was able to announce a total membership of 867, and a surplus of -L151 Os. Od. The J.C.C. has managed well, with an. income of j.:2,478, of which 090 represents the year’s surplus. The Brooklands and Donington races made .6743, the Brooklands Members’ Day .£105. and even the “

Gazette” realised a £14 profit. Some idea of where the filthy lucre goes to is provided by study of the Vintage S.C.C. balance sheet, as representative of one of the smaller clubs, with a membership approaching 200, though I anticipate a big jump this year. Subscriptions, purposely kept low, brought in 168 5s. Od., and the sale of badges £27 14s. 3d. Reliability trials made 1.;16 10s. 6d. and speed ‘events £108 15s. Od., and, jointly, cost E,71 Os. 6d.. Sale of programmes made 1;2 9s. 6d, but the printing and production of the humble but valuable Bulletin walked off with 06 17s. 4d. The dinner cost 1,5 7s. Od, and realised £1 18s. 6d. ” Postage and sundries” goes down as is. 7d., and awards cost £13 4s. 2d. The balance comes out at £75 Is. 6d. against £27 14s. 2d

last year and is a good effort. These figures are worth study, if only because they may lead you to be less exacting in your demands and to pay your sub. now if it is still overdue. The smaller clubs exist only by grace of subscriptions and profits on events and need all the help possible.

There is still so much controversy about. what should and what should not be allowed hill stormers in present-day trials that considerable interest attaches to the ruling laid down by the Vintage Sports Car Club, which is to be in force for all their 1937 trials. This rule reads as follows : (1) Tyres on the driving wheels must. comply with the following :—

(a) They must not be of ” Competition ” type.

(b) On cars manufactured prior to December 31st, 1930 they must not exceed the original section fitted as standard by the makers by more than 334 per cent. except where the original tyre was of the ” high-pressure ” beaded-edge type, in which case 50 per cent. oversize will be allowed. On cars manufactured after 1930 only half-inch oversize will be allowed.

(N.B.—We knew there was an expert mathematician in the club and we now conclude that he owns a complete edition of the Motor Car Index I).

(2) Chains, spikes, caterpillar tracks and similar devices will not be permitted.

(3) Locked differentials, or solid axles, will not be permitted except where fitted as standard by the manufacturers.

(4) Tyres on. the non-driving wheels may be of any size or type.

This ruling will first be applied in the Chilterns Trial on February 14th, which is limited to vintage cars. Incidentally, the same club has in mind a cup for the best marshal of the season—which is a very good idea indeed.