

In the death of His late Majesty King George the Fifth the British Empire, and’ indeed the whole world, has sustained the most profound loss. At such times as this we are affected by a grief which transcends all other considerations, so that our sports, pastimes and mundane interests fall back, of necessity, before the realisation that the greatest Empire of all time, of which we are so fortunate to be members, has lost

its beloved ruler. King George will go down in history as the Perfect King. He combined to the highest degree widely divergent qualities which made him wise in counsel to his ministers and which endeared him to the hearts of

his people. No King of England has ever been submitted to a sterner test by the circumstances attending his reign. That he triumphed over them is sufficient commentary on his wisdom and unfailing sense of duty. The early years of King George’s reign were clouded by the certainty that Europe would be engulfed by a storm such as no man had witnessed before. When at last a roar of cannon, what was probably his most priceless gift stood him in good stead, the ability to face a crisis with

calm, unhurried judgment. This rock-like quality re echoed through his ministers to the, people, and its value in sustaining the morale of the nation in those critical N’cars

cannot be placed too highly. After the war, came not Peace, hut years of economic difficulties from which the world has not emerged to this very day. Once again ,good will and wise counsel could play their part, and his public speeches restored confidence, not only at home, but throughout the storm centres

of the -world. No monarch has ever been inspired by a higher sense of his duty and responsibilities. Every one of the countless subjects which came beneath his notice received the most painstaking study, so that his pro nouncements were weighted with profound knowledge. So much for his incalculable influence in maintain ing the equilibrium and confidence of national and international affairs. Now let us turn for a moment to that side of his character which has inspired such

heartfelt affection among the peoples of his Empire. First and foremost were his sympathy with the normal lives of ordinary people, and his constant reference to himself as the father of a loving family, sharing similar pleasures in his own home. It was here that the Christmas broadcasts welded the ties of respect, admiration, and love for a man who, while experiencing the .emotions and joys of the common

people, yet carried the greatest burden of responsibility known to mankind. Historians of the future will record that it was this bond between the people and their Ruler which gave the British Empire the unified strength and confidence to weather the storms of this CONTENTS

•………….. A Pre-Rally Diary PAGE ‘is

Rumblings … … 124 Readers’ Opinions 128 Tuning Talbots … 129 Adler, The x.7 litre ••• 132 Club News … … 13 De-Luxe Alvis, … i v Aluminium Wheels 139 Opposed Pistons … 140 Specialised Motor Engineering 142

Careers for our Boys … 244 Continental Notes and News 145 Rallying from Tallinn … 146 A Fantastic Monte Carlo Rally ••• 149

troublous .period. Grief stricken as we are by the loss of King George, yet fortunate are we in his successor. As the Prince of Wales, King Edward the Eighth earned a world-wide popularity. His life has been one long training for the task ahead of him, a training from which he has emerged with the wisdom and sympathy his distinguished

beloved father. But fitted as he is for the mighty responsibility that has now descended upon his shoulders, King Edward the Eighth will not spurn the earnest hopes and wishes of his people for a prolonged and