Continental Notes, February 1936


Continentall Notes anci Neva.


Teaming Up

One by one the. teams and scuderias are shaping up for the rapidly-approaching season. Mercedes-Beaz were the first to settle their drivers, Caracciola, Fagioli, Chiron, Von Brauchitsch and Lang. Auto-Union has altered its policy to the extent of having a first and second team, the former consisting of Varzi. Stuck and ROSenieyer, and the latter being provisionally composed of Heyder, Hasse and Von Delius. The formation of the second team depends on trial’s due to take place at the end of January, and there is a possibility of Prince Leiningen attending. Heyder is the young ” works ” chauffeur whose driving So impressed Stuck that he was promptly given the wheel of a racing car.

Mercedes-Benz are due at Monza during February, and I hear that the reason for the long trek to Italy is that the north curve of AVMS is being drastically repaired.

In Italy

The plans of the Scuderia Ferrari go on, heedless of Italy’s preoccupation With war. A valuable recruit to the racing personnel has been found in Antonio

Brivio drove for Ferrari last year, of course, but he has only recently renewed his contract. The full team is now Nuvolari, Brivio, Tadini, Farina and Pintaeutla. Both Grand Prix and sports-car races will be entered, and two nominations have already been made for the French Grand Prix.

As usual, the Maserati plans seem to be rather vague, and the only driver reported to have signed up is the motorcyclist, Tenni, who is to race a 1,100 c.c. model in the Mille Miglia, a monopost() 1,500 c.c. car in voitlirettt• races, and a 4,200 c.c. 8-cylinder model in Grand Prix events.

The position of the Scuderia Subalpina is rather curious. At first it was announced that the Scuderia had been dissolved, and the Count Della Chiesa was withdrawing his support. Now it has turned out that the Scuderia is to continue its existence with Ghersi, Siena and Dusio as drivers. At the same time,. Della Chiesn turns tip at Monza with a party of drivers, engineers and cars, and proc(Ttls to hold serious trials.

The machines were both 3.7-litre 6-Cylinder Maseratis, one with normal suspension and the other fitted out with Parisi indept•ndent springing. Engineers Ambrosini and Parisi attended the trials, with Count Della Chico, and tht7 ears were driven by Count Trossi and Dusio. Trossi himself has big plans for the Monaco-designed radial-engined car which he has specially built for Grand Prix racing. Its first appearance will

probably be at NIonaco, Ix 11-re its frontwheel drive may be of great assistance on the slow corners.

Chez Bugatti

Finally, the Bugatti team has been completed by the inclusion of W. Akilliams, the Anglo-Frenchman. Everyone will be glad to see Williams in .action once tire, particularly with a Bugatti. lie has been handicapped in the past by being a driver of moods. On occasion, he could be brilliant, as I well remember one year at Rheims, where his speed round the veey fast curve beyond the grandstands was only equalled by Nuvolari. At other times a series of minor ” ditch ings ” has rather spoiled his reputation.

The other Bugatti drivers are the veteran Benoist and the ” coming man ” while that popular sportsman, Veyron, will defend the Molsheim colours in 1,500 c.c. events.

Talking of 1,500 c.c, cars reminds me that Bugatti is hard at work trying to finish a team of voiturettes for the Prince Rainer Cup at Monaco. No official announcement as to the design of the cars has yet been made, but there seers t.very possibility of them being ” sixes,” which is unusual for I3ttgatti, with chassis of well-tried Bugatti shape.

Off to America

Rudolf Caracciola seems to have become a kind of unofficial ambassador for German motor-racing. The success of his visit to England last autumn and his extraordinary charm of manner certainly mark him as the ideal man for the job.

Now he is off to America, for a study of American manufacturing method.; and racing conditions. It would all be in accordance with Germany’s highlydeveloped propaganda system for some German ears to take part in American races. Indianapolis is rather out of the question, owing to its regulations, but the proposed road race next October may attract them.

It was strongly rumoured a few weeks ago that Nuvolari would compete at Indianapolis. I feel this is very unlikely, particularly as the fuel consumption. of European-formula cars would bring them to a standstill long before the 500 miles of the race had been completed. Another thing is that the .American race comes in the middle of the European season. Meanwhile, it is hoped to have the

am tificial road circuit completed at Mineola, Long Island, by next summer. Instead of holding the opening race immediately, it is proposed to postpone it until the e.nd of October, in order to give European drivers a chance to finish their

” home ” fixtures. The circuit will measure four miles, with one straight of a kilometre. and the rest a series of curves antl bends. The road will be thirty yards wide throughout.

Tit for Tat

With all this talk of Continental drivers going to America, it is interesting to hear that the organisers of the Geneva Grand Prix hope to obtain some American entries for their race: Unfortunately for them, however, the event takes place on the same day as Indianapolis, which always draws the cream of ” three A “

drIcyhele.s. Geneva race, by the way, will consist of two heats and a refechage of 150 kilometres each, and ae final of 200 kilometres. There will be no weight or engine limit, and the changing of drivers will be forbidden.

Mille Miglia News

The most startling news about the Mille Miglia is that five cars powered by coal-gas have been entered under the atgis of Professor Ferragutte. There will be one 2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo, a 1,750 c.c. Alfa, and three Balilla Fiats. They will be driven lw Ferragutte himself, Sguanci, Cuzinau and two others as yet unnamed.

Other entries are four Ferrari Alfas, ti be handled by Brivio, Tadini, Pintacuda and Farina. They will be unblown ” eights,” and the race is being used as a trial for the French Grand Prix. Technical details are bore and stroke of 6i by 100, capacity 2,905 c.c., 140 k.p.h. at 5,000 r.p.m. Independent springing. Weight 700 kilos. Two-seater bodies. Speed 175 k.p.h. Consumption 28 litres per 100 kilometres. Tank capacity 130 litres. Another worthy entrant is likely to be Alfieri, an enthusiastic young driver. Last year Alfieri made a particularly good ptrformance in winning the blown 1,500 c.c. class at Pescara, with an old 1,500 c.c. Alfa-Romeo. Now he is negotiating with Maserati for a mount in the Mille

Coppa Ciano Alterations

aeems rather a pity that the has decided to alter the circuit for the Coppa Ciano. The Montenero circuit was a real teaser, but its chief drawback seems to have been the difficulty of fencing it adequately and thereby reaping a little gate-money,

The new circuit is a much more ordinary affair, and lies just outside the town of Livorna, between that place and Ant ignano.