

Nearly forty people were present including several ladies. The Chair was taken by Mr. A. F. Rivers Fletcher, and it was unanimously decided to form a Club under the name of the E.R.A. Club, its objects being to assist in every possible way E.R.A. Limited, in their endeavours to uphold Britain’s prestige in International Motor Racing.

The subscription to be „t1 per annum with a minimum entrance fee of 5s. This emranee fee covers the cost of the Coat Badge which will take the form of three circles containing the letters E.R.A. —as used on the car radiator badge, together with the year date and the Word ” Club.” The badge will be as small as possible and in the form of a brooch.

An -E.R.A. Bulletin will be issued monthly or hi-monthly throughout the year giving details of work behind the scenes at Bourne, practice before races, and other interesting information.

Parties will be arranged to visit races and hill-climbs and also to visit the E.R.A. Works at Bourne. It is hoped to arrange lectures by E.R.A. drivers and also a dinner and/or dance at the end of the season.

The cost of running the Club is to be kept as low as possible in order that as large a Sum of money as possible can be handed over to E.R.A. Limited at the end of the season. The following were elected to serve on the General Committee:—

Messrs. Corbett, Mayne, Bird, Allback, Stone, Payne, Faulkner, Rivers Fletcher (Hon. Secretary). Green (lien. Asst. Secretary), Miss Flannagan (Hon. Treasurer).

The meeting closed with a short speech from Mr. Peter Berthon, the designer of E.R.A. cars who expressed on behalf of his fellow directors their appreciation of their efforts and approval of the lines on which it has been proposed the Oa be run. He also promised that E.R.A. Limited would do their best to keep them amused and will assist with the E.R.A. Bulletin as much as possible. There was an immense air of enthusiasm throughout the entire meeting, and it seemed to be everyone’s idea to receive as little, as possible for their subscription and to hand over as much as possible to E.R.A. Limited. The idea of the minimum entrance fee of 5s. is to

encourage those who have the means to give mere, and indeed many of the first entrance fees have been considerably larger than the minimum amount.

Estimates are being obtained for a car badge, and as soon as details are settled, it is hoped to offer one at a reasonable price.


Troll re Hunt Triai ore iii mt c()R1: CAR RACE soai Trial Rally to Bangor (co. Down ‘rrephy Race) Novelty Et4Ont 1,1MEMOR GRAND PRIX Rally to Belfast (Tourist Trophy Race) PBC/ENIX PARK INTER NATIONAL CAR, RACE Treasure Hunt Reliability Trial Treasure Hunt

The Address of the Irish Motor Racing Club, Ltd., on and after the 1st February is National Bank Chambers, 1, Cavendish Row, Dublin.

February 22nd March 17th …

April 11th …

May 10th …

June Oth… June 20/21st …

July 4th… -S4’euirt sntibrr 51 h/6t h September 20th November 7th November 28th Deoembex 19th