
London Service Depot for Zoller Compressors

The London depot of M. A. McEvoy, Ltd., Derby, which has been established in Notting Hill Gate for some years, has now been taken over by Mr. A. J. G. Bochaton, the well-known trials driver of McEvoy Special cars who will, in future, trade under the name of Bochaton Motors, Ltd.

Messrs. M. A. McEvoy, Ltd., still retain an interest in Bochaton Motors, Ltd., and a direct working agreement between the two firms will result in extended service facilities for Zoller supercharged cars in the Metropolitan area.

Bochaton Motors, Ltd., will employ mechanics trained at the Derby works and, in addition, will enjoy the benefit of the researches of McEvoy, Ltd., at Derby, and Mr. McEvoy’s and Mr. Laird’s racing and trials experience.

The M.G. Car Co., Ltd.

The Associated Company, M.I.E., Ltd. of the M.G. Car Co., Ltd., who handle all their Overseas business, have shipped M.G. Cars to the following different countries during the month of Decem ber :—F.M.S., Holland, Switzerland,

• Ceylon, Czecho-Slovakia, Germany, U.S.A., Sweden, South Africa, Java and Australia.

Torbay and Totnes M.C.

The fixture list, which includes three trials for cars shod only with ordinary tyres, is as follows :—Jan. 19, January Car Trial (standard tyres); Feb. 16, d’Espiney and de Walton-Reade Trial (std. tyres); March 22, Hare Sporting Trial ; April 17, Dinner and Dance ; May 17, Standard Car Trial (std. tyres); June 26, Dance; July 17, Dance ; July 19,

Annual General Meeting. Hon. Sec. : C. H. F. Cattell, 25, Blindwylle Road, Chelston, Torquay.

Manufacture of Motor Cycles to be Discontinued

The Board of the Triumph Co., Ltd., announce that as and from 31st January, 1936, the manufacture of motor cycles

will be discontinued. This action is a further step in the re-organisation of the Company to which reference was made at the Annual Meeting in December last. Machines sold prior to this date will continue to be serviced by the Company, and spare parts will still be available.

The entire activities of the Company are being concentrated on the production of the new range of ” Gloria ” cars at the new works recently purchased.

The A.E.C. Oil Records

Messrs. Ferodo, Ltd., of Chapel-en-leFrith, received the following cable from Captain G. E. ‘I’. Eyston concerning the records established on 4th January at the Montlhery Track on the A.E.C. Oilengined saloon car :