

Taking advantage of the fact that Brooklands will not be opening officially after its winter repairs until March, the J.C.C., by special arrangement, is holding the fifth of its interesting series of annual rallies at the Track on Saturday, February 15th.

Entries, which will be limited, are 12s. 6d., and close on February 8th. J.C.C. members only are allowed to compete and cars of any capacity may be used. Racing cars will not be eligible. The series of tests have been slightly modified from those of the 1935 event, but the tit-bit of the afternoon will be a repetition of the Monte Carlo ” wigglewoggle,” exactly as it is being run at the conclusion of the 1936 International Rally. This test, which calls for acceleration, braking, reversing and also the execution of a figure ” 8 ” at speed, provides ample scope for the good driver. In the J.C.C. event, total time for each car will be taken and those who achieve

the whole course within a total time equal to the average of all runs, plus five per cent. leniency bonus, will pass.

Other tests call for a stop and re-start on the 1 in 4 of the Test Hill, an exciting braking, acceleration and reversing test down the Test Hill, a flying half-mile, easy starting and a revised and practical parking test.

Regulations are available at the J.C.C., Empire House, Brornpton Road, London, S.W.7.