Berkhamsted M.C.C.C.


Berkhamsted M.C.C.C.

The old established and very active Berkhamsted and District Motor cycling Club has changed its title to that of the Berkhamsted Motor Cycle and Car Club.

At the annual general meeting, Mr. A. Paul was elected Club captain and Mr. H. Gardner vice-president. The provisional programme is an ambitious one and includes two speed hill climbs, presumably the well-knOwn Dancer’s End events; a speed trial, probably at Aston Clinton, two normal trials, three solo sporting events and several socials, while a night trial has been suggested.

The annual subscription is 1_0s. fid., and this Club has been responsible for some very good sprint meetings of recent years. Hon. Sec. : N. C. Lone, 57, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Herts.

Brighton and Hove M.C.

On January 7th, at the annual general meeting, the Club was shown to be in a very happy position, having a credit balance of V89 15s., although 1935 began with a deficit of £17. Membership had increased duriifg the year by the very satisfactory figure of 195, bringing the total membership up to 422. Incidentally, since 1922, the Club’s books have previously always shown a deficit. Plans for the future may embrace a club-house for .members’ use. The Twelve Hours’

Trial may be run under interesting ruling, competition tyres, supercharger or solid axle being allowed, but not in combination. The classic Brighton-Beer Trial will be run off on June 20-21, entries being limited to 100.

A motor-cycle meeting, a July meeting at Donington and the Spring Cup Trial are other events on the Fixture List, and on September 26, the Club will again hold the Brighton Speed Trials undoubtedly the most important speed-trials on the British Calendar. The past secretary, Mr. S. W. Chandler, is now chairman. Hon. Sec. : G. H. Drewitt, 121, Western Road, Brighton, Sussex.

The Bicolour Fog Disc

Fog is, undoubtedly, the most irritating of adverse weather comfit ions -slowing, as it does, all traffic to a crawl and for once putting all classes of cars on a common level. Skilful driving avails less than at any other time, though some persons seem to possess an uncanny gift of seeing comparatively well on a ” pea-souper ” night. But for the majority of us, -anything tending to improve visibility is of great value. An interesting accessory in this connection is the Bicolour, a novel, wiremesh fog-disc which forms a translucent amber-coloured screen over half the lamp area. The disc is claimed to serve as an effective anti-dazzle device at the same

time, under daylight conditions, as it possesses only a slightly reduced light beam. It is unbreakable, and by blending White and coloured rays, is extremely effective in fog or mist. It can be easily fitted inside either the upper or lower half of a head-lamp glass. The first 2,000 sets are to be sold at 10d., to establish the Bicolour, after which the price will be 3s. 6d. The makers are The Bicolour Co. and their address is 5, Cygnet House, London, S.W.3.


Messrs. Burgess Products Co. have put on the market some decidedly novel torches termed Burgess Spot-lites. Priced at is. 6d. each and obtainable from all good garages and accessory agents, these lamps should give the motorist excellent service, because they have a snap-to top which protects the bulb. A choice of six modern, colourful finishes is available and spare Burgess batteries cost but 6d. each.

An Item of News

lan Connell has acquired from the Bellevue Garage one of the Ulster T.T. type Magnettes which he has entered for Le Mans with Nevi] Lloyd as his co-driver.

They have one more of these cars available for sale and can offer with it a qualification free of charge should anyone wish to enter the car in this race.