Berkhamsted M.C.C. Plans.


Berkhamsted M .C.C. Plans. The annual general meeting of the Berkhamsted and District M.C.C. took place last month, when the following officers were appointed for the coming season : Chairman, Mr. Alan Good ; Vice-Chairman, Mr. A. Paul ; Captain, Mr. E. W. D. Ritchie ; Secretary; Mr. N. C. Love ; Treasurer, Mr. F. Groom ;

Magazine editor, Miss M. Prosser ; A.C.I,J. Delegate, Mr. G. Hutchinson ; Press Secretary, Mr. E. W. D. Ritchie ; Advisory Committee, Messrs. J. C. jukes, J. Derrick and C. Murdoch. A full programme of sporting events has been arranged for 1935. Two reliability triaLs will be held, and two speed trials ;

the latter being events for which the Club has a widely-known reputation. The annual subscription to the Club is extremely reasonable, 10s. 6d. per annum, and anyone interested should get in touch with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. N. C. Love, whose address is 57, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Herts.