S.S. Owners at Buxton.


S.S. Owners at Buxton.

On the 16th February, the wind-swept town of Buxton will see an influx of lowbuilt cars of many hues. They will be the mounts of enthusiastic S.S owners, who will have come from all parts of the country to take part in the Buxton Trial and Concours d’ Elegance, organised by the S.S. Car Club. Starting from The Stonebridge Hotel, on the Coventry-Birmingham road, at 1 p.m., the competitors will have to cover

a route of approximately 90 miles. At the 40-mile mark, the trial will separate into two sections. The first group will cover a fairly easy route, including observed sections, to the finish at Buxton, while the remainder will tackle some of the Derbyshire “terrors ” with which this district abounds. That same night a Dinner and Dance will be held at the Palace Hotel, Buxton, at which all members, whether partici

pating in the trial or not, will be welcome. On the following morning the Concours d’ Elegance will be held outside the Palace Hotel.

Full details, including entry forms for the trial and Concours, and tickets (17s. 6d., Bed, Breakfast, Dinner-Dance ; 7s. 6d., Dinner-Dance only), can be obtained from the Secretary of the Meeting, Mr. G. Moxon Cook, 12, Queens Court, South Croydon, Surrey.