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Ti”January issue of the ‘ South Midland Review” is an interesting one, containing articles on ” Competition Tyres,” ” Another Insurance Crash,” and the Annual Report for the 1933 season.

The address of the Hon. Secretary is Mr. Alan W. Day, 28, Claremont Park, Finchley, London, N.3.

G.W. MOTOR CLUB. From the

From the Club’s journal “The Exhaust ” we learn that everything is set for the first trial to be held by the Club, the “Affiliation Cup” on January 21st, a report of which will appear in the next issue of MOTOR SPORT. The N.W. London, the City and Guilds, and Birbeck College Clubs have accepted the invitation to compete.

The First Annual Dinner and Dance held at the Clarendon Hotel on L ecember 16th was a rousing affair. Some 60 people were present, and the spirit of optimism which prevailed augurs well for the future of the Club. The chair was taken by Mr. J. E. Bardrick, and he was supported by Messrs. H. L. Cox (Toastmaster), C. J. A. Curd (Secretary), P. Hardy (Sports Secretary), C. P. Curd (Treasurer), A. C. W. Leaver (Bank Manager), R. J. (1-. Rolfe (Solicitor), J. D. Aldons (Auditor), L. L. Schofield, P. Garrett, R. Day, A. Curtis, F. A. Thatcher, R. Jennings, P. Cook, J. Saxby and other members and friends.


A Treasure Hunt, Scavenge Hunt, ” manoeuvrability ” tests, and a dance have already been held in the past two months with considerable success. Several other events are being arranged to which visitors will be welcome.

Those interested should write to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. D. Burnford, Kynaston Court, Box Tree Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. The annual subscription for motoring members is 10s. 6d. and for non-motoring members 7s. 6d.


This Club is in process of formation, and is intended to cater for sporting motorists in the New Cross and Lewisham districts. If sufficient support is forthcoming, a Ladies’ Section is to be included.

Anyone who wishes to join should get in touch with Mr. P. E. Rivers, 63, Ommaney Road, New Cross, London, S.E.14, or Mr. K. R. Shachel, 197, High Street, Lewisham.

HORNET CAR CLUB. have now been com

Arrangements have now been completed for the amalgamation of the Club with the Light Car Club, and it is intended to form a separate Wolseley Hornet section of the L.C.C. Incidentally, it is possible that other one-make sections

will be formed, and owners of Austins and Morgans who agree with the idea should get in touch with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. H. J. Jones, 22, Basinghall Street, London, E.C.2.


Mr. H. J. Manumi, Deputy Surveyor to the City of Birmingham, was elected president for the year 1934, in place of Mr. T. J. Hutton, who has retired after rendering fine service to the Club. Other officials who were elected were A. E. Sumner (hon. secretary), T. Gibson (hon. trials adviser) and J. G. Orford (car captain). J. A. M. Patrick and W. Vincent were

elected to the Committee.


With headquarters at the Lansdowne Hotel, Bournemouth, the Club has now been in existence for nearly two years, and in that time has organised many wellsupported events, ranging from trials to social affairs.

The aim of the officials is to cater primarily for sports car owners, at the same time giving them ample opportunity for those long yarns about their respective mounts which enthusiasts always enjoy.

The annual subscription is 27s. 6d. for owners of cars up to 10 h.p., 31s. 6d. for cars of over 10 h.p., while a most attractive Car Badge costs 7s. 6d. The Hon. Secretary is Mr. B. Peters, Club Room, Lansdowne Hotel, Bournemouth.

DERBY and D.M.C.

The Annual L inner of the Club was One of especial significance, for it marked the end of the first year of Douington Park as a racing circuit.

Capt. W. Bemrose, the President, was in the chair, and the ” Club” toast was proposed by Mr. C. R. Topping, secretary of the East Midland Centre of the A.C.U. A fitting tribute to Mr. J. G. Shields, J.P., the owner of Donington Park, was given by Mr. Fred Craner, the Secretary. Mr. C..!aner reviewed the past season’s racing, and mentioned that the alterations to give a one-mile straight were well in hand. With R.A.C. approval, the first car meeting would be held on March 24th.

The awards were presented by .Mrs William Bemrose, and dancing and a film show brought a pleasant evening to a close.


The annual dinner and dance will be held at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on Friday, ‘February 9th, when the cups won at the Shelsley Walsh hill-climbs will be presented.

The Council of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has decided to approve both the Shelsley Walsh Open Hill Climbs on June 9th and September 29th for trade entries.


The Black Horse Hotel, Otley, was the scene of considerable festivity recently, when the Club held their Annual Dinner. Fred Marshall, the president, was in the chair, ably supported by ” Pa ” Monkhouse, J. H. Holmes (a previous Secretary) and Herbert Robinson. Songs and speeches were the order of the day, and the cups which were distributed were innumerable.


Officials for the 1934 season are as follows : President, Prof. A. M. Low ; Chairman, S. F. Seyfried ; Captain, R. Andrews ; Hon. Treasurer, F. Groom ; Hon. Secretary, N. C. Lone, 57, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead.

A new note in club magazines has been struck in the January issue of ” The Berkhampstedian,” which contains a fine 4 page photogravure supplement.


The Annual General Meeting was held at the County Hotel on Monday, January 8th, 1934. There were about 70 members present. The following have been elected :—

President : Mr. T. W. ” Pa ” Monkhouse.

Hon. Sec. : Mr. W. W. Baxter.

Hon. Treas. : Mt. E. H. McWilliam. Captain : Mr. J. H. Wood.

Trials Secretary : Mr. T. F. Leake. Press Secretaries : Messrs. W. K. Hoenes and L. W. Steel.

After the passing of the Hon. Secretary’s report, the retiring President spoke in very feeling terms of his successor. ” Pa,” he said, had been with us since 1908, and this was the first time that he would accept the Presidency. However, he had now promised to do so. We all knew what he had done for the Club, for the A.C.U. and for the sport in general, and that for a man of 75 years his energy was marvellous.

On Friday, January 19th, Mr. A. Sh.eard once again came forward and gave the Club members another of his popular motor film shows. These are proving to be one of the most pleasant social .events of the winter evenings.